Talked out of suicide

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Heyyy x this came from something I saw on Tumblr x



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Your POV

Shawn Mendes. 19 year old superstar. Everyone just assumes that he is superhuman, but he isn't. He's human like us, like me. He feels pain. He feels pain like nobody else I know.

"So Shawn, what do you want for dinner?" I ask Shawn, who is currently laying emotionless on the sofa watching a rerun of some cartoon.

"Can I have some pizza? Like the one from that takeaway that I like?"

That takeaway didn't deliver. But I wanted to keep Shawn happy, so I decide to go anyway.

I was only gone twenty minutes at the most. When I returned I had this sickening feeling in my tummy, I just knew something was up.

Quickly, I open the door and call Shawn's name. Nothing.

I saw the bedroom light was on so I rush in and see Shawn sitting up, holding a bottle of tablets.

I try to act as if I've not seen anything, as if I panicked I was scared that he would swallow the pills instantly.

"I've got the pizza honey." I say softly, not moving an inch.

"I'm not hungry." He snaps, sounding desperate.

"Its okay, you can always have some later on. Its only 5 30pm." I respond, slowly moving towards him.

"But it's not okay is it? Nothing is right, everything is just so shit and I want it to stop!" He shouts, tears falling from his eyes. "Maybe its better if I just ended it now."

I had to do something. I couldn't let him die.

"Can I sit?" I ask softly, remaining calm. He doesn't reply so I carefully sit beside him, giving him some space.

I begin to talk.

"Your hairs grown out hasn't it?" I start, moving closer to him. "I think it needs cutting soon." Slowly, I move my hand closer to his hair and gently push some hair out of his tearful eyes.

Still, no response.

But he let go of the pills.

"Shawn honey, what's the matter?" I ask lovingly, stroking his cheek. The bottle of pills was laying beside him, I had to be careful as he could still reach for them at any second.

"Its stupid." He scoffs, turning away. I was on the verge of a mental breakdown myself; seeing him like this really upset me.

I crawl across the bed, sitting beside him. Gently, I take his hand in mine and he squeezes it, almost like he was holding onto me for dear life.

I notice that Shawn began to shake a little, trying not to completely break down. I move my free hand to his back, gently rubbing it to comfort him.

"Shawn" I whisper, taking my hand under his chin, turning his head towards me.

"I'm fine." He says before completely breaking down.

"Come here darling." I coo, pulling him into my arms. His body went completely limp, and he practically fell into my chest.

The sobs didn't stop, the tears didn't stop, it was almost like he was crying all the tears in the world.

I never told him to stop crying. I didn't even tell him to calm down. I just let him cry. That's what he needed, he had to let out his emotions.

Carefully, I begin threading my fingers through his hair. He was so delicate, one wrong move and he would snap.

Sometimes, all you need to do is cry. Let your emotions out, stop being scared of your emotions. Feel the pain, power through it.

"I got you Shawn, you're safe." I whisper in his ear. Slowly, we end up laying down, his head on my chest.

"I'm sorry." Shawn blurts out, swinging his leg over my hip.

"Hey, there's nothing to be sorry about." I place a kiss on his warm forehead, rubbing my thumb against his cheek. "Just talk to me, please."

"I can't do it... Its too much to handle. I just want it to stop." He says so softly that I was about to cry myself - the innocence in his voice broke my heart. He didn't deserve any of this, all he wanted was to follow his dreams. Who knew that following his dreams almost took his life.

I took a look at his face - he was exhausted. Bags under his eyes, pain all over his face.

"You need to take a break Shawn, please just slow down. Your mental health takes priority over anything. Please just talk to me when you feel like this. I can't lose you, we all can't lose you." I say, trying to stay strong for Shawn.

"I'm so tired." He yawns, everything he said was breaking my heart.

"Get some rest, I'm staying right here, I'm not leaving you honey. Not now, not ever." I coo, cradling his head in my arms. "I love you. We all love you and you matter Shawn. You matter."

You matter.

I've been working on this for so so long but wanted to post it in September as it's Suicide Prevention Month ❤

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