His Daughter Dies

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This is gonna be sad!! I combined some comments and my own ideas to write this xx

Imagine that you are Shawn's best friend. He had a one night stand with an older girl (28 years old) and she got pregnant and didn't tell Shawn as they lost contact. She committed suicide and the baby was dropped off at Shawn's doorstep. The baby girl is called Skylar and is three months old. This starts off when Shawn discovers her.

Shawn's POV

I get into my apartment and see a baby girl. Its weird as I instantly fall in love with her. There's a small note.

Dear Shawn

This is Hannah. We had a one night stand in January and I got pregnant and had a daughter.

I've had depression since I was 21 and life got too much for me and my family dumped me after they learned of my pregnancy, so I will be dead by the time you read this. Please take care of her.

Hannah x

Hannah? I remember her - she was so sweet. The death certificate is attached to the note and it's been signed off by the council.

Skylar then begins to cry. I'm completely overwhelmed by this all. I gently lift her out of the cot and gently rock her in my arms, tears falling from both of our eyes.

"Its okay I'm here" I plant a kiss on her forehead. "Daddy's here." I sit down and get her to sleep. I lay her down and get into bed with my baby girl and fall asleep.

The sound of crying wakes me.

"Hey hunny." I get out of bed and lift Skylar into my arms and walk around my apartment with her. I didn't know who to call or tell. I got home at 10pm so everyone would be asleep. It was now 3am. "I'm here Skylar." I plant a kiss on her head and she falls asleep.

In the morning, I remember that Y/N was supposed to be arriving in LA to see her family so I invite her over.

"Shawn" Y/N comes and hugs me tight. "Where is she?" I lift Skylar out of her cot and hold her. "She looks just like you." Y/N smiles at me.

"I need to feed her." I say. Y/N is prepared and bought some baby food. "I've just called mum and they are gonna fly out to LA tonight." I moved to LA a few weeks ago to work on my album and my parents and Aaliyah were still in Toronto. "Open wide honey." To my surprise she obeys and opens her mouth and I feed her. "Come on." I lift her out of a high chair my friend bought for Skylar and lift her into my arms and rub her back.

"How do you know this?" Y/N asks.

"I...I don't know. I guess I just remember mum taking care of Aaliyah." I notice Skylar is beginning to wheeze. Her breathing rate got faster and she began to cry. "Y/N!"

Your POV

I run and call an ambulance.

"Shawn make sure her airways are clear." I say to Shawn, who is panicking himself.

"What's wrong with her?" Shawn cries. I really want to tell him but I can't. He needs to stay calm. The paramedics take Skylar into the ambulance and don't let us in.

"No...she's my daughter." Shawn tries to get in but he's pushed back. This is when we both realised that this was serious.

"Shawn come here darling" I pull him back with all my strength and he falls to his knees. "Come on. I'll drive you." I wipe his tears and walk him to my car. "Shawnie" I wipe his tears with my thumbs. "Deep breaths" He was about to have a panic attack. "Keep breathing. We'll be there soon."

We arrive at the hospital and sprint inside.

"How...how is my daughter?" He asks the doctor.

"She has a severe asthma attack. Her brain was starved of oxygen for too long. The only way she is surviving is on a life support machine. It's up to you Shawn. You can keep it on for as long as you want. In the slim chance she survives without it she will be permanently disabled."

"W...what...I only...but..." I hear a thump as Shawn's legs give in. He is sobbing his poor heart out.

"Come on." I help him to his feet and take him into Skylar's room. Karen then calls me.

"Hello? Shawn's not answering his phone and..." Shawn take the phone from me.

"M...mum she's g...gone" Shawn manages to say. I put the phone on speaker and explain what is going on to Karen.

"We will be there in a few hours. Hold on lovey." I hold onto Shawn's back as he caresses his daughter's cheek.

"I...I can't let her suffer..." he says, laying down next to Skylar.

"Its up to you darling." I take my fingers through his hair. He gets up and tells the doctor his decision. He then lifts her up and holds her.

"I love you so so much Skylar. I love you sweetie." He holds her in his arms as the beeping of the heart monitor stops and the doctors rush in.

"Time of death. 5 15pm." The doctors say, taking her away.

"No please don't take her! No no NO!" Shawn runs after the doctors but I pull him back.

"Shawn look here. Shawnie look at me" I cup his face with my hands. "She's gone."

"Skylar!" He shouts at the top of his voice, people in the hall looking at him sympathetically.

"I'm here Shawn let it out." The little strength he had in him vanishes and he collapses to the ground, head in hand. I pull his shaking body into my lap, stroking his hair. I wasn't even going to try to calm him as it wasn't possible. "Lets get you home." A nurse passes me a bed sheet and I wrap it around Shawn and take him home. He sobs the entire way and I reach out and hold his hand.

We get into Shawn's LA apartment and go into his bedroom. I sit Shawn on the edge of his bed and lift his shirt off. I take off his jeans and put a pair of fresh sweats on him. It was very warm in LA so I keep him shirtless.

"Skylar..." he whispers, pain evident in his voice.

"Come here." I let him lie between my legs and he rests his head on my chest. I wrap my arms around him and feel him hold my waist tightly, crying into my chest.

"I...I should've known..."

"Don't blame yourself. The doctor even said that she hadn't been diagnosed with asthma so there is no way you could've known." I take my fingers through his hair and feel his breathing get lighter. His grip around me loosens and he falls asleep in my arms.

This was very emotional to write!! ❤

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