He thinks you're cheating

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This is a request for barbiedollx0x0 hope you like it hun ❤

"RIN!" Shawn called. This was the second time that she had took off this week, and had been sneaking off for a few weeks now.

"Rin honey are you home?" No answer, and no texts or calls from her. Shawn began to wonder why she had been sneaking out - it wasn't his birthday anytime soon, it was the middle of the school term so she didn't have exams or anything, so where could she be?

Shawn then began to wonder if she was cheating? Rin had been gone several times a week and hadn't told him where she was going or why. He decided to call her.

"Hello, Shawn..."

"Rin where are you?"

"Shawn darling a little busy right now, I'll be home in an hour or so. Love you"

"Love you honey." Shawn sighed and sat on the couch. He was going to straight up ask her when she got home.

Meanwhile, Rin had a secret - she was three months pregnant and decided to throw a party at a posh hotel to surprise Shawn - she booked a hotel room for the week so that it could be decorated, and then they could stay there for the night. She was with her friend Malia, and they were both finishing up the decorations.

"That's perfect - he'll love this!" Malia stood back and took a quick glance at the completed room.

"Think its best if I get home, he'll be worried sick!" Rin quickly tied her dark brown hair up into a messy bun and left.

On the way home, Shawn called again, but Rin didn't answer as it was rushhour and she always got nervous driving at this time. Around twenty minutes later, she pulled into the driveway.

"Shawnie, I'm home!" Rin kissed his cheek but he pulled away.

"Shawn what's up?" She sat down next to him on the sofa.

"Why are you sneaking out?"

"I'm not I was with Malia." Rin responded. She didn't want to ruin the surprise.

"Why didn't you tell me? I thought we trusted each other, but I obviously can't trust you right now." Shawn stood up and went into their shared bedroom.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Rin followed him into the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I'm obviously not good enough for you." Shawn turned around and Rin saw that his cheeks were red and puffy - he had been crying. (A/N Idk why but I can imagine Shawn being the type of person who lets things get to them like he seems so sweet and cute jw if anyone else agrees lol)

"Shawn what do you mean?"

"Rin are you cheating on me?"

"Oh my God Shawn, you want the truth? I'm pregnant and I was planning a surprise party for you to tell you the news, but I obviously can't be trusted to plan it properly." Rin fired back, turning her back on him. She turned when she heard a bang, Shawn's legs gave in and he began sobbing into the ground.

"I...I'm so sorry. I d...didnt mean to accuse you." He sobbed, leaning on the wall. Rin walked up to him and held him.

"It's okay lovey."

"Are you...is that..."

"Three months along, I wanted to surprise you!" He cupped her face and kissed her, smiling at her. He then lifted her up bridal style and put her into bed, cuddling up to her.

"I love you so much Rin" he smiled at her. She put her hand on his face, brushing her thumb over his red cheek.

"I love you too."

This was my first ever request! Hope you like it!!

REQUESTS ARE OPEN! I'm doing my A Levels right now and I was held back a year as I struggled with my mental health last year which had an effect on my school work, so sometimes I write or think of angsty stuff to put my feelings into someone else's shoes and it helps me cope when things get tough. I haven't published any of them yet but I will definitely start to in the next few weeks xx ❤

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