I Need Somebody Now

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New Shawn music omg

Shawn's POV

I get back from an incredibly stressful day. Today was the day that my new song, In My Blood, was released and I've had interview after interview, and I just want to sleep.

I need somebody now.

I decide to call Y/N before I sleep. Maybe she will still be awake.

"Shawn? What's up?"

"Hey Y/N. I've just gotten into bed. Thought I'd call you." I was finding it so hard to keep calm. I can't breathe properly and everything is a mess.

"Shawn, baby are you okay?"

"I'm okay. Just really stressed out." I lie through my teeth.

"Get to sleep Shawn. I love you more than you'll ever know."

"I love you Y/N." I hang up the phone and go and brush my teeth.

I can't sleep for long as its 3am and my next interview is at 8am. I just crash into bed and fall asleep, forgetting all of the anxiety that I was feeling right now.

My alarm wakes me up as soon as I fall asleep. It was 5am. Time to get up.

I have this uneasy, lonely feeling inside me. I'm freaking out, everything feels like its crashing down. I can't seem to ease my mind.

I need somebody now.

"Shawn hurry up! We have ten minutes before we leave." My manager, Andrew calls. My eyes are barely open.

I had an interview with a New York radio station. We get there at 7 45 and quickly begin the interview.

"Please welcome Shawn Mendes. How are you?" The interviewer asks.

I'm dying inside. I can't breathe.

"I'm really good, I'm so happy people like the music."

"That's good. Its a personal song like I've looked at the lyrics, and it sounds like you went through a tough time."

I didn't want to answer it. But I had to.

"I've written it about my first experience with anxiety. It hit me last year and I just didn't know what to do. Writing this song was a step up as its so personal. I had to be honest." I explain, fighting back tears.

I need somebody now.

Andrew notices my current state first, and signals the interviewer to hurry up.

"I have one last question. How is Y/N?"

I need her right now. She's my anchor.

"I really, really miss her. I would do anything to see her right now, I'd do anything." A single tear falls down my cheek, my vision blurry. I close my eyes and let another tear fall.

I need somebody now.

I feel someone wipe my tears.

Help me.

I look up and see Y/N.

"Oh my God! Y/N." I stand up but my legs give in, Y/N catching me.

Your POV

I decided to surprise Shawn as I knew that he was struggling.

I could hear it in his voice.

I'm watching his interview from the side, and I could just see how much he was hurting.

The interviewer gives me a cue and I enter the room. Shawn doesn't even notice at first, but then I see a tear fall from his cheek, then another one. I wipe it away with my finger.

He sees me and a look of utter joy spreads across his face.

"Oh my God Y/N!" He stands up but falls, and I quickly catch him, hugging the life out of him.

"Shawn, please don't cry." I feel tears falling on my bare shoulder, Shawn's head burried into my neck. "Let me get you back to the hotel." I help him to his feet and get him into a taxi.

I put my arm around Shawn's shoulder and he rests his head on my chest. I knew he had fallen asleep, and I was glad because I wanted to speak to him about what was going on.

He needs somebody now.

We get back to the hotel and I help Shawn change into something comfier and lay him down.

"Shawn... I need you to talk to me. What's the matter?"

"Y/N I think I have anxiety." He blurts out, before tears begin falling from his eyes. "My heart is beating so fast, I can feel it through my chest and it feels like its about to explode. My chest aches and my mouth is dry. I'm so thirsty and I'm always tired. My body aches and I just can't seem to calm my mind down." He explains, sobbing.

"It's okay honey. Please don't get upset. I know how difficult it can be when you feel like you're literally dying inside but still have to get up there and perform and get on with your life. Its awful, I know. But you can get through this, I know you can. I'm going to be right here." I lay next to him, allowing him to lay on top of me, his head in the crook of my neck.

"That's what In My Blood is about."

"I had a feeling you were struggling but you told me you were fine. Please talk to me next time you feel like this. We want to help you." I kiss the top of his head, noticing the bags under his eyes. "Look, I know you're doing single promo but you need to get some sleep. The lack of sleep has worsened your anxiety."

"I'm so tired Y/N. I could sleep for weeks."

"Get to sleep my precious baby. I'm right here." When Shawn was tired, he liked to be babied. Actually, now that I think about it, Shawn always liked being babied.

"Can you play with your baby's hair?" He asks.

"Of course I will. But I need you to scoot down because you're squishing me."

"I'm a baby. I can't move on my own." I roll my eyes and help him re position so that his head was laying on my stomach. I begin playing with his hair and he falls asleep in my arms.

He has somebody now.

I was supposed to be revising all day but I've been sat on Wattpad and watched Shawn videos oops so if I fail my psychology test its Shawn's fault.

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