Hold me

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Hey hope you're well xx

Your POV

Its 9am and I can feel Shawn's head laying on my shoulder. He was still sleeping. I gently take my fingers through his hair to wake him up.

We were staying at Shawn's parent's house for the week as our boiler had broken.

"Morning." I caress his cold cheek and he smiles, snuggling his head into my shoulder, a sign that he wants to be babied. He did look tired, and a tired Shawn was like a baby. "Come closer then." I sit up. He moves and lays between my legs and rests his head on my chest.

"Play with my hair." He almost orders. I obey him, smiling at how cute he was being.

We lay like that for twenty minutes. Shawn had fallen asleep and I didn't want to wake him, as he must have been very tired.

I hear a knock on the door and Karen walks in.

"Is he asleep?" She mouths and I nod. My nod woke Shawn up.

"Hi mummy." Right there it is. As soon as he says 'mummy' it means that he will either crush me by sitting on my lap all day or crush hers.

"Is my baby up?" She asks and I giggle.

"Yes. I want food." Shawn then fell out of bed. Quite hard.

"Are you okay?" I can't help but laugh.

"I'm fine." We get ready and I go downstairs and wait for Shawn.

"Are pancakes okay for breakfast?" Karen asks me.


"What have you been up to this week?" She asks, starting a conversation.

"Er...well I went shopping to buy a few things for the house, went for food a few times and yeah thats..." I hear a big thump followed by a scream. I run to see what happened.

"Shawn what happened?" Karen asks him.

"I...I forgot to tie my laces and fell and now my ankle hurts!" He cries. Baby Shawn was also clumsy.

"Let me see." I gently take his shoe off and inspect his ankle. "Can you move it?" I ask and he moves it.

"Ah...it hurts!"

"Right stand." I help him to his feet.

"Aaliyah bring your crutches down!" Karen shouts up the stairs.


"Come on." I help Shawn limp to the sofa and sit him down. I elevate his foot and put some ice on it.

"Mummy!" He moans.

"What is it sweetie?" His mother asks, worry on her face.

"It huuuurts!" I put my arm around him and he lays on my, head on my shoulder.

"I'll get you your breakfast and then you can have some paracetomol." Karen tells him.

"I'll get you your breakfast." I kiss him on the cheek and get him the pancakes.

"Mummy can you feed me?" Shawn also got super baby like when he was injured or sick.

"Shawn feed yourself!" Karen snapped back. After seeing the hurt on Shawn's face, I gave in.

"I'll feed my baby." I stroked his cheek with my thumb and begin to feed him.

"You're such a baby Shawn!" Aaliyah laughs as she turns the TV on.

"You look tired." I finish feeding him and take the plate to the kitchen.

"Has Shawn been sleeping?" Karen asks me.

"I'm not too sure. He's been like this a lot recently, I think he needs a few easy days and this ankle will force him to rest." I reply, washing up the breakfast dishes.

"See if you can get him to sleep now. Us three are heading off to Ottawa to see some friends."

"I'll make sure he sleeps."

I finish washing up the dishes and go into the living room. Shawn had his head leaned back on the sofa and his ankle had swollen up more.

The others left whilst I was washing up.

"Shawn get yourself upstairs. I need to bandage your ankle." I help him to his feet and he is able to go upstairs using his crutches.

Meanwhile I put water in the kettle to boil and put a teabag into Shawn's mug. I make him some tea and take it to his bedroom.

"How are you?" I put the mug on his bedside table and sit at the edge of his bed. I lift his injured ankle into my lap and gently rub some pain relief gel on it, making sure not to hurt him.

"My ankle still hurts and I'm dizzy."

"Uh...it might be the painkillers... actually Shawn lets see the packet." I take a closer look at the painkillers and my suspicions were confirmed - Shawn had taken co codomol rather than paracetamol. The packets are identical. To make matters worse, he had taken the maximum strength too.

"What is it?" He asks.

"You took co codomol!" I get into bed with him. "You have to sleep it off. Its gonna make you feel all whoozy and sick." This was good in a way as at least he would rest.

"Hold me." I let him lay on me, his head in the crook of my neck. I hold him close, hands in his hair and my baby fell asleep.

So this started off to be something completely different to what it ended up being but yeah

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