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MENDES_LMUFFINS sorry for the long wait x this one's for you gurl!

Adryanna's POV

I was going to Dave and Busters with Shawn and Manny.

There was one problem - Shawn's anxiety got worse with noise, so I'd be going with him to calm him.

Manny wanted to take him to spend time with him.

"Shawn you ready?" I ask, stroking his hair.

"Yeah. Lets go." He gets up and we walk to the car.

We both sit in the back seat, Manny driving us to the restaurant.

"How are you guys?" He asks.

"We're good." I reply. Shawn was staring out of the window, knee bouncing up and down.

I put my hand on his knee to keep it still, calming him down.

As soon as we get there, Manny suggests that him and Shawn play a game together.

The area around it seemed quiet, so we agreed.

It was a table tennis game. At first, it was Shawn VS Manny. They decided to do a best of three game.

"Right Shawn, you ready?" Manny asks, picking up the tennis racket.

"Yeah. Lets do it dad."

Things went from good to bad.

People realised that Shawn was here so there was a big crowd around us.

Also more people began entering the gaming area, and I noticed that Shawn looked more anxious than usual.

"D... dad" he stutters. Shawn stutters when he was about to have a panic attack.

This isn't good.

"Come on son, let's get you out of here." Manny puts his arm around Shawn and helps him out.

Shawn's breathing rate begins to increase. He was having a panic attack.

"Shawn baby deep breaths." I say, cupping his flushed cheeks.

"I can't breathe..."

"Son, look here. Breathe with me. In for 5, hold for 6 and out for 7." He says, breathing with Shawn.

It works and Shawn calms down.

"I'll get some water and food for us. You two get into the car." Manny goes back into the restaurant to get us some food.

Shawn and I walk to the car in silence.

"Ars you okay?" I ask Shawn, letting him rest his head on my shoulder.

"Y... yeah. I just have a headache and want to sleep.

"Just eat something when we get back and then you can sleep." I kiss his just as Manny comes back with the food, looking guilty.

The car ride home is silent, Shawn's head resting on my shoulder, sleeping quietly.

We got into Shawn's house and begin eating the food.

"Look Shawn, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken you to somewhere like that, knowing that your anxiety will get worse." He apologises, squeezing Shawn's arm.

"Its okay dad, don't worry about it." They share a quick hug before we finish our meal.

Shawn and I then lay on the sofa, me holding him whilst he sleeps in my arms.

Just a quick note - my requests are currently closed, but for future reference please PM them and only one request at once please. I've been focusing on my Shawn fanfic as this is generally updated often anyways, so that's why updates are slow. I also have lots of work to do and I have a few requests I need to write. I also have my own ideas that I want to write too. Xx

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