Heat exhaustion

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Sooo it was actually warm last week so imma write this hehe

Also unlesss you have another medical condition or there's other factors like dehydration or age or something this is pretty unlikely to happen in the UK as its not hot enough 😂😂

You're Shawn's best friend in this

Your POV

Oh my God its so warm! We were in Swansea this weekend for Shawn's performance at Radio 1's Big Weekend. Wales is normally pretty cool, but there was a heatwave and it was forecast to be 32 degrees and really sunny all day.

Shawn and I wanted to enjoy the festival so we stayed in the crowd to get the full festival experience.

"Shawn why are you wearing all black?" I giggle, patting his shoulder.

"I like black. Plus its not that hot." Shawn replies, giving me a tight hug.

I decided to wear a green stripy miniskirt and a white top with white trainers - I was actually dressed for the weather!

"Shawn! Time to get ready." I see one of Shawn's guards come over to me and take me and Shawn backstage, where Shawn got changed into another all black outfit.

I notice he looked pretty warm and sweaty.

"Shawn you okay?" I ask, feeling his forehead. "Drink some water."

"Shawn its time!" His stage manager comes and takes him away before he got a chance to answer my question.

I watch Shawn's performance from side stage, him making eye contact with me was one of the most amazing feelings ever.

He did well and hit quite a few high notes. Guess that vocal training was really helping him.

"Thank you!" He shouts and begins to walk off stage. His facial expression changes completely - he looked so weak.

"Shawn." I put my arms around him to prop him up. "Guys!" I shout, going backstage.

"What happened? Shawn are you okay?" Andrew worridly comes over to us.

"I feel really faint." Shawn replies, weakness in his voice.

"Here, lay here sweetheart." I ease him into a laying position, lifting his head into my lap. His entire body, right up to his hair, was sweating.

"My stomach hurts..." he whispers, before his entire body jolts upwards and he throws up into the bin.

"Its okay, we are all here." I coo, holding him close to me. "Can we get some water please?" I shout, lifting his shirt off him.

I then take his shoes and socks off him, trying to cool him down.

Shawn's nurse then comes up to us and begins to examine Shawn, taking his vitals. She would travel with us so that Shawn wouldn't have to see a doctor every time he was sick.

"I think its dehydration and heat exhaustion. His temperature is a little high, I'd take him to hospital just in case." She explains, spraying some cool water over Shawn.

"Come on, can you stand?" I help Shawn to his feet, most of his weight on me.

"Y/N I can't..." Shawn falls to his knees as he was so weak.

"Shawn!" I shake him, trying desperately to get him to wake up.

"Let me call an ambulance." The nurse says, putting her jacket under Shawn's head.

"Y/N..." Shawn groans, trying to sit up.

"No no no Shawn, stay lying down." Carefully, I lift my head into my lap.

"You need to elevate his legs." I put my denim jacket under his legs, keeping his head in my lap.

"My legs hurt Y/N..."

"It's okay, just keep drinking water." I hold a bottle of water to his lips, almost forcing him to drink.

To try and calm him, I begin to take my fingers through his hair.

"I think the ambulance is here." I help Shawn sit up. He was pretty weak so I kept my arm around him to support him.

The paramedics take Shawn to the hospital and I follow in my car.

When I get there, I'm told that Shawn is in a private room due to fans surrounding the hospital.

I go in and Shawn is sleeping. He's hooked up to an IV and the room is chilly.


I go and sit at his bedside, holding his hand.

"They told me I have heat exhaustion and dehydration." He explains, turning his head towards me. "I'm allowed to go home once my temperature goes down a little."

I felt his forehead. He was warm but not nearly as warm as before.

"You need to drink some water if you're dehydrated." I get a glass of water from the table and force him to drink it. "That jug needs to be empty."

"But now I need the toilet!" Shawn sighs like a baby. "And I can't go alone."

"Yes you can Shawn. I'll walk you there but that's it!"

Gently, I help him stand.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm good. Thanks Y/N."

"Its okay, now hurry up and cool yourself down!" I giggle as I wanted to go home.

"I'm just that hot, what can I say." Shawn laughs and I roll my eyes jokingly before helping him walk.

Its so hot and I have the worst period cramps rn so if anyone else has them too comment here and we can complain together lol

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