He feels guilty after he ignores you

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Hey my lovelies! This is an imagine for barbiedollx0x0. Hope you like it hun xx

Rin's POV

I feel awful - I'm on my period and I've got cramps (great) (A/N I have a condition called Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and stomach cramps are something I have to learn to deal with 🙃😭like its like period cramps but comes randomly sometimes and pretty much after any takeout or big meal)and I'm so dizzy. It's probably due to the blood loss. I feel warm so I take my jumper off. I get into bed and call Shawn, my boyfriend of 3 years, to ask him when he will be home so that he can take care of me.


"Hey Rin I'm a little busy right now I'll call you soon hunny." I sigh and hang up. Shawn doesn't come home for another three hours and he didn't even call me. He comes in and goes into his office - he didn't even come to say hi to me.

"Shawn I'm..."

"I'm busy with album 3 hunny..." he says, digging his head into his song book. (A/N do you think Shawn has a song book? Like a cute private one as I think he might do.)

"Shawn I'm leaving!" I shout and storm out, but stop when I feel dizzy - the last thing I hear is Shawn's voice before I collapse.

Shawn's POV

I run over to Rin and gently lift her. I get her into the car and rush to hospital - this is all my fault - if I wasn't all wrapped up in album 3 then this wouldn't have happened.

We arrive at the hospital and I take Rin inside, and they get her onto a bed. She then wakes up.

Rin's POV

I wake up and look around at the white walls, realising I'm in hospital. I feel sick - I sit up and Shawn passes me a sick bucket and I throw up.

"Rin my love are you okay?" Shawn grabs my hand.

"I'm fine, just nauseous."

"I'm so sorry, if it wasn't for me you wouldn't be so sick like you're throwing up, fainting and dizzy I..." I stop him there.

"Shawn I'm on my period it happens sometimes...well not the fainting but everything else." I smile at him as the doctor comes in.

"Here are some tablets that will help the dizziness, but you're free to go." The doctor tells us. I'm about to get up, but Shawn stops me.

"You're not standing up" he picks me up and I wrap my legs around his hips. "I love you Rin" he kisses my feverish cheek.

"I love you Mendes." We then go home and get into bed together.

Sorry its so short!! Hope you liked it hunny barbiedollx0x0 ❤❤

Shawn Mendes Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें