Jet Lag

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Your POV

I'm currently waiting in our Toronto apartment for Shawn to get home from Australia. He was probably going to be jet lagged as there's a 13 hour time difference. Its 11pm in Toronto so 12 noon in Perth Australia, and he said he'd sleep on the flight.

"Hey Y/N" Shawn comes in, and I hug him tightly.

"How are you hunny?" I ask him.

"Exhausted. My body aches and I can feel a migraine coming on." He tells me, and I take his bags off him. He gets changed and gets into bed. I get in too and I fall asleep quickly.

I wake up naturally, and check the time from my phone. 5 56am. I see that Shawn is awake and has his earphones in.

"Shawn have you slept?" I ask, putting my hand on his cheek.

''No I can't sleep." He replies.

"Come here. I'll get you to sleep." He turns over and I pull him into my arms. He rests his head on my chest and our legs are tangled up. I put my arms around his bare torso and take my hands through his hair.

"Ugh my entire body is sore." He complains.

"Its okay babe. I can get you some painkillers."

"No no its fine." I begin to massage his shoulders and head, trying to get him to drift off.

"Touring is so exhausting. I love it but performing every night gets tiring, and the jet lag just feels shitty." He explains.

"I understand. You don't sleep much anyway because of work and stuff." I kiss the top of his head through his curls.

"I'm still wide awake." He digs his head into my chest, and I hug him tightly.

"Do you want some milk or something?" I ask him and he nods. I get up and warm a cup of milk up, and add some honey to it to make it sweet. I put a straw in the cup, and hold it against his mouth and he takes a few sips. "This'll help. You'll be asleep in no time."

"I want to sleep.'' He moans.

"Come here baby." He crawls into my lap and I hold him tightly. I kiss his cheek.


"Night hunny." Shawn eventually falls asleep, and I'm happy for him as he looked exhausted.

I must've also fallen asleep, as I wake up at 10am and Shawn is still fast asleep - hair messy, cheek scar positioned so innocently, head resting on my shoulder. It was the perfect morning.

Hope you liked it xx

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