What's going on? (p3 of my story)

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This is a very real chapter, I think. Hope you like it x

10pm, July 31 2017

Shawn's POV

I'm absolutely exhausted. Tonight's show was one of the best one's yet, but that didn't seem to relieve the impending doom feeling I had been experiencing all day. It was like I was sitting on the edge of a cliff on a very windy day, I know that something is going to knock me off the edge, but I don't know what.

I get into bed - Malia and I are sharing a twin hotel room in Nashville, and we would be driving to Cleveland tomorrow. I couldn't sleep - I felt like I was being suffocated. I couldn't describe the feeling - it was almost like I couldn't feel that I was breathing. I drift off, but wake up panting. I grab another pillow to ease it, but the same thing happens again - what if I'm dying? I try to sleep, but the thought of dying wouldn't leave my mind.

"M...Malia" I call.

"Shawn?" She responds, turning around in bed.

"I...I think I'm dying. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just feel like as soon as I fall asleep I can't breathe." I explain, trying my best to breathe deeply. She gets out of her bed and comes into mine, putting her arm around me. I rest my head on her chest.

"Breathe deeply. You're absolutely find hunny." She calms me, stroking my hair. I swing my leg over her hip and get comfy. We remain like that for a few minutes, my head on her chest and her stroking my hair. A million things are running through my mind right now - its a weird feeling, I feel like the oxygen is being drawn out of my lungs.

"What's....what's wrong with me?" I say, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Nothing's wrong with you Shawn, you're just stressed out and going through stuff."

"But...what if I...die...in my sleep?" I begin to sob into her chest. I don't know what's going on - its such a weird feeling. Its like every time I drift off to sleep the air is drawn out of my lungs.

"Don't worry Shawn. It's because you're stressed out, I'm here for you if anything happens." Malia comforts me. I eventually fall asleep, terrified of what would happen to me if I fell asleep.

This is short but this has actually happened to me before, and its not fun. I've had such a shitty day today :/

I'm gonna have a break from My Story and do the requests that I have already received, and then continue this as I feel bad making you guys wait sooo long for your requests xx

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