Who did this?

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I may have done something similar but oh well.

Imagine Shawn is your absolute best friend, and you are like siblings. You are extremely protective of him, and often act in a motherly way towards him bc we all know he's adorable.

Your POV

I'm at my apartment watching Stranger Things (NO SPOILERS I'M ONLY TWO EPISODES IN RN AND IT WAS HARD TO TURN NETFLIX OFF OKAY) when I hear a knock on the door.

I get up and open it. It was Shawn.

He was standing in the doorway looking pale and helpless.

"Shawn come in" I say to him and as soon as the light hits his face I see the bruise on his cheekbone and dried up blood around his nose. "What happened to you?" I ask. I take him into my bedroom and sit him down on my bed. I get the first aid kit and begin to wipe the blood from his nose.

"She...she hit me" he says, tears welling in his eyes. Anger brews inside me.

"Why?" I ask him, anger evident in my voice.

"She was going to force me into..." he stops and no words escape his mouth.

"Sex?" I say and he nods. "Come here" I pull him into a hug, rubbing his back soothingly.

"She broke up with me..." he sobs into my chest. "It hurts Y/N" Shawn continues to cry and I let him get his emotions out. I had never seen him this upset before. Shawn is one of those people that when he's upset so is everyone else as he's such a lovely person.

"Deep breaths okay honey." I take my hands through his curls, calming him down. "Shawn look at me. Look into my eyes cupcake." I put my hands at either side of his face. "No girl is worth all these tears. You understand me?" He nods and I wipe the tears from his face. He winces as my hand brushes over the bruise. "I'll get you some ice for that." I get an ice pack from the fridge and place it on his cheek.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" He asks me.

"Of course love. You don't need to ask." I get him some fresh clothes that he keeps at my house. Shawn gets up to get changed but I could tell he was weak due to his mental state at this time. "I'll help you." I unbutton his blue shirt and help him change into a black long sleeve. I pull his jeans down. "Can your jeans get any tighter?" I joke and he laughs as I pull his grey sweats up. Shawn and I are like siblings so this wasn't awkward for either of us. I help him lay into bed. His phone begins to ring. It was her.

I was about to tell Shawn to ignore it but he answered.

"Shawn you're such a douche why did you do that?"

"Why did you hit me?" Shawn says, and I was certain that he was going to cry at any moment.

"Because you don't love me. I can do way better that a prat like you." She hangs up. I hate her more than I hate the devil.

"No Shawn. You're not going to cry my baby." It didn't work. Tears fall from his eyes. I get into bed with him and he burries his head into my chest. "Ssshh. Go to sleep darling. I'm here now. Its all okay."

"I...I don't want to be upset." He sobs and the tears keep coming.

"I'm here for you." I whisper in his ear. "You mean the world to me and I love you to pieces. Don't let anyone bring you down like this." Shawn eventually calms down. He swings his leg over my hip to get comfortable anf falls asleep in my arms.

Sometimes I get ideas and I have to write them but I am doing requests at the same time so if you've sent one in it'll be up soon I promise!! Xx

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