I can't sleep alone

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Pucca0789 this ones for you gurl!

Nina's POV

"Shawn I didn't cheat!" I yell. Some pictures of me hugging a male friend had gone viral, and in one of them it looked like we were about to kiss, but that was far from the truth. We were just hugging, and the camera angle and timing made it look like a kiss.

"Yes you did! Look at this!" He shows me an edit somebody had made. Damn these edits! They cause so many problems for different relationships, and its awful.

"Shawn that's an edit off a fan account! Look at the bottom, its even got a signature of the account." I show him the @ of the user at the bottom, but he still doesn't believe me.

"I thought you loved me!" He cries, tears welling in his eyes. The truth is, Shawn's ex had cheated on him. It wasn't just a cheat, it was a friends with benefits thing with someone else whilst she was dating Shawn. They went out for two years and the news crushed him, now he gets awful anxiety every time something like this happened.

"Shawn I love you. Please don't cry. Just come to bed and we will sort it all out, promise." I say calmly, taking my hand to his cheek to wipe the tears. He allows me to caress his cheek, then flinches.

"I'm sleeping here." He lays down on the sofa. This stings my heart, as this is the first time we've slept apart since we moved in together a year and a half ago. Tears begin falling from my eyes, and I walk up to where Shawn is laying on the sofa. His hands looked battered and bruised, he was boxing again, obviously due to stress. All of me wanted to hold him and nurse his wounds better - his knuckles were bleeding very slightly, and the area around them was all blue and purple.

"S... shawn?" I sob and no reply. I get a blanket from the draw and cover Shawn up. I lift his head up and put a pillow under his head to prevent his neck from hurting. I wasn't mad at him at all, and I didn't know why. I was just upset. He probably jumped to conclusions due to a mixture of stress and previous experience.

There was no reply from him, so I decide to take a shower and sleep, hoping this would all sort itself out.

I plait my hair whilst it's still wet and put on a loose t - shirt and adidas yoga pants. I then get into bed, as I'm about to fall asleep.

A few hours later, I hear a bang from the living room.

I'm about to get up and check when Shawn comes in.

"I... I'm so sorry Nina." I turn the bedside lamp on, and usher for him to sit with me. "I should've believed you Nina, and I'm so stupid for believing that you would cheat. I know you love me, even when I accused you of cheating you made sure I was warm and that I had a pillow. I love you Nina. So much. Please forgive me." He cries, clearly very distressed.

"Of course I forgive you. Come here." He lets me hold him, his head on my chest, and we hug for a while, Shawn's tears making my top wet.

I then realise his hands were bloody.

"What happened?" I ask, getting the first aid kit.

"I was bringing you some pancakes but as I flipped it the pancake fell into the flame and I burnt my hand picking it up. I went boxing and that's why it's bruised." He explains. I wrap bandages around both of his hands, kissing them.

"Right lets go to sleep." I lay beside him, putting my arm around his back protectively.

"I can't sleep without you." He whispers.

"Why not?"

"I just can't. I can't get to sleep, I worry too much that I'll be alone for the rest of my life. My insomnia gets bad when you're not laying with me. I need you Nina. I need you to survive." He explains, bringing tears to my eyes.

Its now 4 45am, and it was beginning to get light outside.

"Shawn baby have you not slept yet?" I ask worridly.

"Nope. I couldn't without you by my side."

"You have a meeting at 9am. Come closer so I can rock my baby to sleep." I take one arm under his head and wrap it around his neck, stroking his hair. The other goes around his bare back, running my hand up and down it.

"Thank you Nina. I'm sorry again." He whispers into my ear, head nuzzled in my neck.

"I love you. Get to sleep... you're not alone. I'm right next to you." I coo as he falls asleep in my arms.

Hope you liked it xx

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