Period and Burns

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Random again but yeah

Your POV

It was the third day of hell. It was like the gates to hell had opened. Why?

I was on my period.

Dying in pain, I lift my legs over Shawn's bare torso. Elevating your legs was supposed to help. I woke Shawn up but at this point I didn't care, and he instantly knew I was on my period. That's the type of guy he is - Shawn doesn't get grossed out, he takes care of me.

I'm wearing shorts and vest, with fluffy socks.

"Y/N what's the matter? Do you have cramps?" He asks concerningly.

"Why else are my legs on you Shawn!" I shout, but stop after I see the concern and hurt on his face. "I'm sorry Shawn."

"Its okay Y/N. Wait here." Shawn gets up and my legs fall. I groan in pain, and then Shawn runs back and puts some pillows under my legs. "Better?"

"Yeah. Thanks honey." I ruffle his hair before he goes into the kitchen. I pull the duvet between my legs and hold the side near me close to my chest. I close my eyes and smile at how amazing my boyfriend is.

The moment is cut short when I hear a scream coming from the kitchen.

Shawn was everything to me. Even though he was very protective of me, I was fiercely protective of him. I wouldn't let anything harm or upset him because he is so sensitive.

"Shawn!" I say loudly as I got out of bed.

"Y/N I was making you a hot water bottle and... and the water boiler but... I dropped it over myself and it... it really hurts!" He cries, tears forming in his eyes due to pain.

"Shawn come here." I pull him into a hug. I then realise that he has spilt an entire litre of boiling water over his bare skin. "Let me see." The area on the right side of his abdomen was going red already. This was a second degree if not third degree burn. "Wait here."

I run into the bathroom and fill a bucket with cool water.

"Y/N it hurts so bad!" Shawn walks into the bathroom, tears falling from his eyes.

"Sit in here sweetie... please. Actually, take your sweatpants off but keep your boxers on as I'm going to call an ambulance." I help him sit himself down in the bathtub. I get a towel, wet it and dab his burn with it

"Its cold!" His teeth began chattering.

"I'm really sorry Shawn but you need to stay in there."

"But... but you're in pain! You have cramps and... at least let me get you some painkillers..."

"Shawn look at yourself! I'll be fine, you need to worry about yourself. Thank you darling, you're incredibly sweet." I plant a kiss on his forehead before calling an ambulance.

"Y/N it hurts like hell!" Part of me felt guilty as he was doing it for me - he was making me a hot water bottle.

"Just hold on. The ambulance will be here in ten minutes." I begin stroking his hair to keep him calm.

At the hospital, Shawn is shown into a private room, where a doctor comes to see him.

"Right, this is a second degree burn. The area it is covering is pretty big so I'm going to put some anti biotic cream on it and them bandage it." The doctor explains. Second degree burns are more painful than third degree burns. "This is going to hurt." The doctor warns.

Shawn's entire body shoots up in pain, tears falling from his eyes.


"Shawn honey stay still." I pin his body down as the doctor finishes off putting the cream on.

"That's the painful bit done." The doctor smiles as she wraps a bandage around his torso. "All done. Here's some more cream, bandages and co codomol for the pain. Apply the cream every evening for two weeks and the bandages need to be changed daily for four weeks. No strenuous exercise for a month. Make sure he rests as the skin needs to heal."

"Come on Shawn. Let's go." I help Shawn stand, even though he couldn't fully stand. "Small steps." I was in pain myself as my cramps were getting worse but I was a lot more bothered about Shawn.

"How far?"

"Your mum is parked right outside the door honey." I smile at him and help him get into the backseat of the car.

"Shawn darling are you okay?" Karen asks, getting out of the car so that she could hug her son.

"Yeah... it just hurts." He wimpers, fists clenching in pain.

"We will get you home so you can rest properly honey." I squeeze his hand and Karen begins to drive.

When we get home, I get Shawn into bed.

"Y/N please stay here... it hurts..."

"Let me get you some ice or something. I need to peel your plaster off." I lift his shirt off, and peeling the plaster revealed the extent of the burn - a huge portion the size of an A4 sheet of paper was now red and scarred, small blisters forming. I gasp at the sight, before holding ice up against it.

"I... I need to help you Y/N. You have cramps and I should be taking care of you." He is about to leap out of bed, but I stop him.

"Shawn I'm okay. Its nothing a bit of paracetamol can't fix." I ruffle his hair and sit at his bedside, holding an ice pack to his burn. His eyes begin to get heavier. "Go to sleep honey you look tired." I caress his face gently, and keep stroking his hair as he falls asleep.

This is such a random thing but yeah hehehe

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