Tomato Soup

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Shannon1300this ones for you gurl!

Shawn's POV

I'm absolutely starving and I've missed my mum's cooking since I've been on tour. I go into the kitchen.

''What's for tea mum?" I ask, kissing her cheek.

"Tomato soup." (tomAAAto. Not tomAYto as she's British like me lol) my smile fades.

"I hate tomatoes!"

"Stop whining Shawn you're not a baby anymore." She pinches my cheek.

"Please can you make me a burger or something mummy?"

"No. I made you this as it's good for your throat. You were coughing all night last night!"

"Mum I'm fine."

"Shawn. Eat it."

"No." I got up and go into my room, hoping my mum will ease off. I begin watching Harry Potter, and halfway through I feel my stomach hurting because of hunger. I go down and into the kitchen, and I cough a little as my throat was a bit sore. I got sore throats a lot because of singing. I sit on the sofa next to my mum.

"Mummy." I cuddle up to my mum and rest my head on her shoulder.

"Tomato soup or nothing." I give in. But not that easily.

"Can you feed me?" I ask.

"Okay but you have to finish it." My mum brings the bowl of tomato soup. She brings a spoonful near my mouth.  "Open." Its actually not that bad. I like it. Its pretty much all gone soon. "See. I told you it was nice." My mum pats my leg and takes the empty bowl to the kitchen. "I've got you a treat for finishing that." Its a muffin! Double choc chip!

"Thanks mummy!" I quickly gobble it down.

"You're such a baby." My mum jokes, putting her arms around me.

"A cute baby." I put my head back onto my mum's shoulder and she holds me in her arms as we watch TV together.

Hope you like it xx

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now