What did I do wrong

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mendesarmys4life this ones for you gurl!

This is a disclaimer. This is an imagine, nothing in this story reflects anyone's character. There are imagines where Shawn is portrayed as a bad person and that's fine, as this is an imagine. Its not real.

Just thought I needed to say that x

Lottie's POV

I'm having a Saturday night off when I get a call from Shawn.

"Hey Shawn what's up?" There was a moment of silence. "Shawn?"

"C...can I come over?" He sobs.

"Hey are you crying?" I ask worridly.

"No..." he says before hanging up, and I hear the doorbell straight away.

I get up and open the door, revealing Shawn. He had tears falling down his cheeks, and looked like he was going to have a full on mental breakdown.

"Come in" I let him in and pull him into a tight hug. He digs his head into the crook of my neck and I feel my shoulder getting damp from his tears.

I pull away and wipe his tears from his cheeks. I help him sit on the sofa and sit on the table opposite him.

"What's the matter?" I ask him, holding his hands in mine.

"She broke up with me" he tells me before breaking down again. Shawn had been dating Hailey Baldwin for a few months now.

My honest opinion - they didn't fit. No disrespect to either of them, but I think Shawn needs someone who's more innocent and a bit nerdy as that's what he likes so I was surprised that he was dating her. She was a nice person; I met her a few times and we got on.

"Hey calm down. Its okay." I pull him in for a hug and try to calm him down.

"W...what's wrong with me?" He sobs into my chest.

"Nothing is wrong with you at all Shawnie."

"She told me t...that she didn't l...love me..."

"She said that?" I say as I check my phone as it vibrated. It was an article about Hailey and another guy. She had moved on.

"W...what's that?" He asks and he sees the article.

"She moved on?" He begins to cry uncontrollably.

"Hey come here." I pull him into my lap and he sobs his little heart out. I let him get his emotions out for a while. After a few minutes I help him into my bedroom and lay him down into bed.

"Why did she break up with me?" He asks me, pain evident in his voice. I lean down and caress his cheek.

"Nothing is wrong with you. Any girl would be so lucky to have you. You just need to find the perfect girl." I pull the duvet over him to keep him warm.

"Then why did she break up with me? I really loved her." He stares into the corner of my room.

"Look at me in the eye Shawn. I'm going to tell you this honestly. I really don't think you were right for each other. You're polar opposites - she liked her life to be in the spotlight as she's a model so needs it for her career. You like your life a little more private and don't like paparazzi taking pictures of you. It was gonna end someday, and now you can look for the perfect girl." I lean down and kiss his cheek in a friendly way.

"I guess you're right." He sighs.

"Now get some rest darling."

"Lottie can you stay with me?" He asks innocently.

"Come here." I wrap my arms around his shoulder and he lays his head on my shoulder and falls asleep instantly.

Hope you liked it xx

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