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Shannon1300 this one's for you gurl!

Shannon's POV

I'm currently driving to the hospital. Shawn had been sick for a few days and it turns out that he had a kidney infection which was really painful so I decided to go and see him.

I open the door to Shawn's hospital room and see him lying in the fetal position, holding Karen's hand. I go over to him and Karen gives me her seat.

"Shannon it hurts" he cries, gripping my hand tight. I place my hand on his cheek comfortingly.

"Hey it's okay. We are here." I reply. The nurse comes in with some equipment.

"I need to hook you up to an IV to give you treatment for your infection."

"No!" Shawn shouts, curling into a ball.

"Shawn you need to get better." Karen tells him, sitting at his bedside.

"I don't want it!"

"His infection is already serious so he needs the medicine or it'll spread." The nurse explains and Shawn looks at her.

" are you gonna put it in?" He asks.

"Intravenously. So we are going to put an IV into you and then give you an injection daily for six to eight days."

"Needle?" I can sense fear in his voice so I sit next to him and cradle his head in my lap. "O...okay."

"You'll feel a small pinch." The nurse dabs some alcohol onto his arm and injects the needle into him.

"Owww" it must've hurt as she injected the entire needle into him.

"All done." I pat his head and he snuggles into my chest.

"It's going to make you extremely tired at first as there's some pain relief in there."

"Yeah I'm already tired." Shawn swings his head over my hip and I play with his hair as he falls asleep in my arms.

Sorry it took so long xx

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