"You've made yourself sick"

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Heyy!! This is another idea I've thought of, hope you like it!! If anyone has seen Melissa and Joey this is based on one of the episodes lol

"Shawn! It stinks of raw meat!" Aaliyah yells, walking into the kitchen. Shawn had been trying to cook recently as he had moved out and wanted to be able to properly prepare meals rather than video chatting his mum when he wants to cook. Aaliyah was over at Shawn's.

"I'm making lamb, just open a window or something!" Shawn scoffed, putting his food into a plate. "Can you get me some paracetamol Aaliyah, I have a stomach ache."

"Its probably because of your awful cooking. Only you could make yourself sick." She laughed, throwing her brother the box. Shawn then ate his food and went to his room. He fell asleep, but was awoken by a huge bang coming from the kitchen. The first thing he noticed was the pain in his lower abdomen. It was a stabbing pain, so sharp.

"I'm okay, I dropped my phone." Aaliyah popped her head round the door. "What's up?" She asked.

"Stomach ache. I'm fine." He managed to say before a wave of nausea hit him and he threw into the toilet.

"It's probably your food, its pink in the middle. You've given yourself food poisoning Shawn." Aaliyah said.

"I'm just gonna get back into bed." Shawn felt awful, and the pain was beginning to get unbearable.

Shawn's POV

I feel awful, my stomach feels like it's about to explode. I decide to call Y/N. She was at Y/F/N who lives a few minutes away from my apartment.

"Hey hunny, what's up?"

"Y/N... I don't feel good." The pain is worse than anything. Tears fall down my cheeks, and another spell of nausea hits me. This time I only have time to grab my bin from the corner of my room as I throw up again.

"Shawn? Stay there, I'm coming." My phone was on speaker so I heard Y/N. I couldn't get up, the pain was so intense. I hear Aaliyah come in - I don't want her to see me like this.

"What's going on? Why are you lying there?" She knelt down, linking arms with me. She gets her phone out but I stop her.

"Y/N is coming." I tell her, leaning on her shoulder. Just then the door opens. Its Y/N. She has a spare key.

"Shawn, lets get you up."

Your POV

I help my *very* sick boyfriend sit on the sofa opposite his bed. I can clearly see that he's in severe pain.

"Where does it hurt?" I ask cupping his feverish face.

"Right h...here." he points to his lower right side. That's not good.

"Appendicitis." I whisper to Aaliyah and she calls an ambulance. She's very mature for a 14 year old, I have to say.

"Shawn, stay with me. Its gonna be okay." He's practically in my lap, curled up in a ball. I take my hands through his hair, trying to ease his pain and calm him as he's crying in pain.

"It...it hurts" he holds my hand tightly.  The paramedics then come in and load him into the ambulance just as Karen arrives.

"Mum!" Shawn yells in pain, tears falling down his face.

"Its okay, you're gonna be fine. I'm gonna bring Aaliyah in my car, Y/N will stay with you darling." She kisses his forehead. "He's really warm" she tells the paramedics as they check him temperature. I get into the ambulance and sit on the seat near Shawn's stretcher.

"We need to put a cannula in your hand Shawn. This might hurt a bit."

I decide to try to distract him from the pain.

"Liyah was telling me that you're learning to cook" I smile at him. He tries to speak but scrunched up his face in pain.

"We are nearly there, just hold on." I tell him as the paramedic hooks him up to some morphine.

Shawn is taken straight into surgery. I was right - poor thing has appendicitis. No wonder he was in so much pain. I sit down in the waiting room and drift off to sleep.

"Shawn Mendes?" That's what wakes me up. I practically fall out of my chair. "He's in room 82. The surgery was successful, but he's gonna be in a lot of pain as his appendix was very close to bursting so we did a direct incision rather than keyhole surgery." My phone vibrates.

Aaliyah - we've goneto get Shawn's overnight bag. You were sleeping so we didn't want to wake you X x

I enter Shawn's hospital room. He's shirtless but covered in a white sheet sleeping, and has breathing tubes and an IV drip attached to him.

"Shawn, baby " he opens his eyes.

"H...hey" he manages to whimper out, pain and exhaustion evident in his voice.

"How're you feeling?" I softly say, reaching out for his hand. The nurse then came in.

"I've got a fresh plaster for him, you need to take the other one off and put this one on, then he needs to eat." She tells me. I slowly take the sheets off him, revealing his toned abs. He's wearing some grey *low rise* shorts, and there is a plaster on his lower right part of his stomach.

I pick at the plaster gently and he winces, I reach out for his hand and begin peeling the plaster off, revealing his fresh surgical wound. I open the plaster packet and gently put it over his wound. I then cover him up with the sheet, tucking him in.

"I'm so tired" he closes his eyes. The nurse again enters and she's holding a tray with a sandwich and glass of juice on it.

"Shawn, you need to eat something and then you can sleep. I just need to tell you're beautiful girlfriend some care techniques for you."

I smile at her and she continues.

"We will give him paracetomol and codeine separately for his pain, he needs to take the paracetamol regularly, so 4 doses at a minimum of 4 hours apart, every day for a week. The codeine is for if it gets worse between doses. Make sure someone is always with him for 2 days after he leaves hospital. And change his bandage every day whenever he showers. Oh and no strenuous exercise or weight lifting for at least 6 weeks." (A/N I had major stomach surgery three years ago lol)

"Yeah that should be fine, thanks." I pass Shawn his sandwich and he nibbles at it. He then motions to me. He was gonna vomit. I grab the sick bucket from the table and he throws up - its only a little bit. I throw the bucket away and wash my hands.

"I...I want to cuddle" he looks at me innocently. I didn't want to hurt him. Luckily all of the machines were on the right hand side of him, so I lay down on his left side and put my arm around his exposed shoulder, and run my hand through his messy hair, easing him to sleep.

Part 2??? I might make a second part to this. Requests are open xx

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