She Knew

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This is a little different but oh well

She knows he's having a rough time. She can see it on his face. He doesn't think he's good enough, he thinks he's talentless like the critics say. She believes in him.

She knows he's more stressed tonight when he returned from the studio. He thinks that by telling a small lie he can hide it from her.

But she knows.

He takes off his shirt and jeans and gets straight into bed, wearing his Giorgio Armani boxers. She knows he's upset. She knows he's stressed. She knows he's vulnerable.

She goes into their room and doesn't have to say anything. She gets changed into shorts and a vest and lays down. Their backs are towards each other, but hearts are longing for each other.

She knows.

She knows he's crying silently. She knows his heart is breaking into a million pieces. He thinks she can't fix him. But she knew.

She knew she could.

So she sits up. She turns around and puts her hand on his bare shoulder. At first he ignores her. But then he turns around.

She sees the pain in his eyes. He wants comfort and she knows.

She pulls him into her arms and he sits between her legs and rests his head on her chest. He sobs his absolute heart out and she holds him tightly, taking her hands through his hair.

He cries and cries until she thinks there are no more tears in the world.

But there are.

She held him in her arms, cuddling him like a precious baby. He was precious to her. Small things got to him. They ate away at him; they ate away at his heart.

He keeps crying and she holds his shaking body until he calms down. She asks him what's wrong and he tells her. He tells her how he's talentless, how he's stressed, how he thinks the world would be a better place without him.

He told her.

But she already knew. She knew he was broken inside. She knew he hated himself. She knew him.

She also knew how to fix him.

I hope you liked this - its a bit different but yeah xx

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now