Suicide p2

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Hey! Just wanna say a massive thank you to all of your kind messages and comments about 'suicide'. My notifs are still slow but I'm getting most of them ❤❤

This is set 10 days after the suicide attempt and is about the kidney transplant.

Your POV

I still haven't left the hospital 10 days after Shawn's suicide attempt. My mum bought me some clothes and I've stayed with Shawn and his parents have been staying daily.

Today was the day of Shawn's kidney transplant and I had to change him into his hospital gown.

"Hey darling." I go and kiss Shawn on his cheek and help him sit as he was still a bit weak.

"Morning Y/N" he says.

"I just need to put this on you cupcake." I slide the sleeves through and tie it up at the back. "How are you feeling?"

"Okay I guess." He replies. I sit next to him and my arm goes around his shoulder.

"Remember I love you and we will be here when you wake up." I say to him as the nurse comes in with a wheelchair. I help Shawn stand and sit him down on the wheelchair.

We go into the operating room and I hold Shawn's hand as they put him to sleep.

"I love you sweetie." I whisper in his ear as he falls asleep.

Four hours later

"Shawn Mendes" Karen, Manny, Aaliyah and I all get up.

"How is he?" Karen asks.

"Surgery was successful. He's going to make a full recovery but will be in a lot of pain. One person at a time is allowed in his room." The surgeon explains. I ask Karen to go first but she insists that I should see him.

I open the door and see my boyfriend half awake, with machines beeping. He is wearing boxer shorts and the surgery scar is visible as there are no sheets covering him, probably because it was super warm today.

"Hey darling" I reach out for his hand and he holds it tight. 

"Y/N it hurts" tears fall from his eyes and I wipe them with my fingers.

"Its okay I'm here." I sit next to him and play with his hair. "Get to sleep you need rest." I lean down and plant a kiss on his cheek.

"It hurts so bad" I see the morphine button attached to him.

"Shawn I'm going to give you some painkillers. It'll ease your pain." I press the button and the morphine instantly works as Shawn falls asleep, head tilted towards me.

And that's it!! Xxx

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