Axel's Girl Problems and Missing Child Hide-n-Seek

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Axel dramatically kicked the doors open. "I've messed up."
I was sitting on my bed painting my nails, and I really, really, REALLY hoped I wouldn't spill it. Loki looked back from the window and smirked at me.
"Like the time you ate a bar of soap?"
"Hey! We don't talk about that. And Axel? Please don't kick the doors."
Axel, now a full fledged teenager, rolled his eyes (which is a habit he picked up from Frigga, who picked it up from either me or Loki. I didn't really know). "Well, anyway, I- what's Father doing?" Axel asked as Loki looked under the bed.
"Your father lost your twin siblings, so he now has to find them."
"You lost Mikaela and Rune?"
Loki stood up and checked behind my desk. "In my defense, we live in a very large castle. And I didn't lose them. We were playing hide n' seek and I got distracted."
"So you lost them," Axel sighed.
"Don't talk back to me, mister. I swear, you get more and more like your mother every day."
"Who is beautiful, and kind, and smart, and loving, and forgiving."
"Sure. Axel, you were saying?"
"I've done messed up, Mother. I just realized I don't know one freaking thing about girls."
"Ask your sister, I'm pretty sure she's a girl." Loki looked behind some curtains.
"But she's a very girly girl. Kirsten isn't."
I smirked at Axel. "So this is about Kirsten."
"Everything's about Kirsten, Olivia. Everything."
"Fath-er. I'm trying to tell you my life story. It's all about misery and regret."
I put down my nail polish and sighed. "What happened, Axel?"
Before Axel could say anything, Frigga slipped into our room. "My sibling sense told me that Axel was about to say something embarrassing, so I wanted to hear. Continue, Axel."
Axel growled. "You'll just make fun of me."
Axel sidestepped Frigga and sat on the edge of my bed. "Me and Kirsten were coming back from riding and we were packing up all of our stuff. I noticed Kirsten still had her saddle, so I figured I'd be a gentleman and help her with it, which is all fine and dandy, but I messed up. I said-"
Loki threw his hands up. "No, no, no. No, Axel, no. You can stop right now. You didn't in any way imply that you were stronger and more equipped for the job, did you?"
Axel put his head in his hands. "Yessss..."
"Yeah, that's not good."
"Loki, you're not helping. And don't you still have two children to find?"
"Wait. Father lost my baby sister? And brother. He's cool too, I guess." Frigga dragged Loki out of our room with her. "C'mon, I'll help you find them."
I turned to look at Axel. "Axel, if girls stopped liking someone just because they made a mistake, I wouldn't have even married your father. And look, he even lost your twin siblings. And if Kirsten stops liking you for making a mistake, she doesn't deserve you."
"How do I make it up to her?"
"Get on your knees and beg like it's for your life. And lots and lots of chocolate."

My Crazy Fake (I Wish It Were Real) Life Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz