We Act Awkward

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I woke up.
Loki was sitting up, staring at the ceiling. I looked around the room, my room, and sighed. Loki jumped and glanced at me. "Y-you're awake."
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
"N-no, you're fine."
I looked at him curiously. "Why're you stuttering? You're not upset, are you?"
"I'm n-not upset. I-I'm..." He sighed and looked up at the ceiling again. "Wh-what's the word for wh-when you can't believe y-you just woke up with the o-one you love?"
"Hm... Incandescently happy?"
"Th-that s-sounds about right." I sat up and grabbed a pillow. I leaned against the backboard of the bed. "How did you sleep?"
"Fine. You?"
I battered him with a pillow. "Aw, how could that have happened? I thought you were incandescently happy?"
"I was. Am! You didn't h-have anything t-to do with it! I d-didn't m-mean it like that! I-I-"
"I know," I laughed. "Look at us, we're such newlyweds. Cause we are, obviously. Now kiss me."
"Do it. We can start our first day as a married couple off right."
"I- What? Now?"
"You did it last night. Why not now? If you can't kiss me, I'll have to kiss you." Loki closed his eyes and leaned forward. I met him halfway.

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