We Go Sleep Walking

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"Loki, something's different." I sat up quickly and King, who was lying at my feet, whined. "Loki," I hissed, poking him until he woke up.
"What?" he grumbled.
"Something's different."
"Wrong different?" Loki suddenly looked more alert.
"Not wrong," I sighed. "Just different." King stepped over to me, nestling into the crook in my arm and sniffed my belly. This was normal, but he now cocked his head, one ear bent, and barked. "King! Sh! No barking." He whined again, laying a paw on my stomach and licking it carefully. "See?" I said. "King knows."
"I do not doubt you. I just don't know what to think. But the baby's fine?"
"I would know if something went wrong." I stood up by the side of the bed and stretched. King hopped down next to me and yawned, assuming we were going on a walk.
Loki rolled over and raised an eyebrow. "Where are you going?"
"I'm going wandering." King skipped out in front of me and I swung open the doors. "Coming with?" I swiveled around back to Loki. He looked at me incredulously. "No? Alrighty then."
I turned right, then took a left and went straight for a while. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, that's the point of wandering. It was supposed to clear your head.
"Olivia!" Loki groaned. I turned to find him sprinting to catch up with me.
"Oh! You've made it." I resumed my casual pace as he fell into step next to me, pushing King to the side in the process.
"I wasn't going to let you go wandering alone."
"Oh, I wasn't alone. I have King. Now I have two kings."
Despite himself, Loki smiled. We walked in silence for a little bit longer, mostly I choosing which direction to go and Loki following. I stopped, looking around and finding myself outside Axel and Frigga's rooms.
"Loki, we're going to be outnumbered."
"We'll be okay. It's only one more, right?"
Yes, he was right. But I couldn't shake the feeling that something was different. That was the only word I could use to describe it. We turned around to go back to our room, King trotting ahead.
"So, did wandering prove well for you?" Loki asked.
"Hm, I suppose it has."
"And what conclusions did you draw?"
"None. Wandering is supposed to clear your head so later, you can ask the questions that are bothering you."
"You are strange."
"Well, it's much more fun to be mad than civil."
"I can second that."
I smiled, turning left and ending up where we had started. "I don't know about you, but I'm not tired."
"You still have to sleep. Our child needs it, even if you don't."
"Children." It suddenly dawned on me.
"Well, yes, we have multiple. I was talking about the baby you are carrying." Loki squinted at me.
"Still children. Loki, that's what's different."
"I'm not following."
"Loki, I'm carrying twins."

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