We Go to the Asgardian Farmer's Market

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"Here's some money, you two. Don't spend it all in one place. Or do. Maybe there's something you really like." I handed Frigga and Axel some Asgardian cash.
Frigga glanced at her hand and looked smugly up at me. She looks so much like her father. "You know, they might just give me whatever I wanted. I'm royalty."
"Yes, I know. And you seem to be unable to forget that fact. Just be honest when you can." I turned to Loki. "She's turning into you."
He pretended to wipe away a tear. "I'm so proud."
Frigga stuck her tongue out at no one in particular, and then scampered off after Axel into the crowds. We were at the Asgardian equivalent of a street fair, or farmer's market. Loki and I strolled through the streets and crowds with Mikaela and Rune. Rune was chubby. He had winter fat and spring rolls. And probably the summer and fall stuff, too. Mikaela, less so.
Frigga was right. People practically threw stuff at me. I'm pretty sure it was more of a marketing technique than anything. (The Queen has one! Why not you?) Loki glowed in the admiration, taking one of everything. The twins got the most attention from anyone not related to them in their short little lives.
I politely refused everything, except what I was already going to buy. And then, if I insisted on paying, they would give it to me at an extremely discounted price. I had gotten everything I wanted for under the equivalent of one American dollar.
Loki ran over to me with something in his hand. "Look what I got you!" He handed me a necklace with a jewel on the end. It was beautiful, and it matched my dress.
"Is this a Robin Hood thing, going on? Steal from the rich to give to the poor? Except, you're rich, stealing from the middle class, to give to the other rich. So it's more like the Sheriff of Nottingham."
"It's perfect. Thank you. Do you think we should find the kids now?"
"I think they'll be okay- There they are." Remarkably, the two had stayed together. Frigga had dumped all her stuff on Axel, who was carrying bags and bags of his own stuff, as well. He looked like he was just shopping at Costco.
I saw Axel roll his eyes as Frigga came back with something from a vendor. "Frigga, you already have, like, three of those."
"Aw, but they insisted I take one."
Axel looked at his sister for another moment. Then he passed all the bags over to Frigga. "Hold these. I want one too."
I shook my head and smiled. When Axel had gotten his whatever, the two found us and made their way through the crowds. Paths literally formed for them; they were royalty.
They began to divide their stuff into separate piles. I crouched down next to them. "What're you gonna do with all this stuff?"
"Use it," Frigga said without looking up.
"Or eat it," Axel added.
"Are you sure you need it all?"
"They insisted," they both said together.
"Besides," Frigga said in her "I'm right, but let me tell you one more reason why," voice. "Father doesn't seem to mind."
I turned my head to look at Loki, who took a sip of a strangely purple drink from a fancy glass someone had just handed him. He shrugged. "Oh, come on! There's lots of stuff out there with your name on it! And if you need a good reason to take free stuff, imagine how business will go for them. Royal family approved! Get yours today!"
I glared at them all for a bit. "You're right. I love free stuff! Why do I have to hold the twins while you three gallivant off into the crowds?" I handed Loki Mikaela and Rune and dashed back into the market.
When I stopped at the nearest vendor, I turned around to see Loki talking to Axel and Frigga. "Told ya' it would work."

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