I Use my Puppy-Dog Eyes Efficiently

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My all time favorite date I've gone on with Loki had to be the time I forced him to go to a Midgardian pet shop. It was actually fantastic, especially the part where Loki got a little freaked out at every new animal I pushed at him.
"Look it!" I picked up a small lop bunny out of the open topped cages and thrust it at Loki's face.
"What is that?" Loki held up his hands defensively.
"It's a little bunny rabbit." I held the the bunny up to my cheek and gave Loki that look.
"We are not getting a bunny rabbit. It has the eyes of a demon."
I set the rabbit back down and it hopped away. "Maybe you'd be more interested in some reptiles."
"They sound dangerous."
"Come, come my young padawan."
"Star Wars," I said. "Y'know, Star Wars? Jedi, padawan, sith? No?"
"I don't understand a single word you said."
"Oh well. We're here!" We had ended up in the reptile room with snakes, frogs (which aren't reptiles), lizards, turtles, geckos... Loki immediately pressed his face to the glass of the home of a chameleon. He smiled strangely and moved onto a ball python.
"You seem very captivated. I'm going to look at puppies."
"I don't know what that is."
"I'll show you. Just keep looking at your snakes..." I slipped out of the room and ran around to the corner where puppies and kittens sat adorably in little crates. And then I saw him.
He was right in the center of the little room. The little German Shepherd sat there staring at me with his head cocked and one ear bent. He looked at me with strange brown eyes and I felt weirdly hypnotized. So I picked him up. I cradled him in my arms like I would a baby and the puppy stuck his tongue out and smiled.
"Oh my gosh, you're perfect. Alright you're mine. Well, you will be, if I can convince Loki." I set the puppy down and he licked his snout patiently. I put my hands on my hips. "Oh who am I kidding? You're coming with me rather Loki likes it or not. Come here." I picked the German Shepherd up and carried him over to the reptile room.
Loki still looked captivated by all the dangerous looking Midgardian creatures. "Look at how beautiful..."
"Loki!" He whipped around and saw me holding the puppy. "Loki, look who I found."
He looked at me suspiciously. "What are you planning on doing with that...thing?
"This positively precious thing is coming home with us."
"Yes." I gave Loki puppy dog eyes that I hoped would be more lethal than the actual puppy dog eyes. "Yo, I'm getting this dog. Whether you like it or not, he's going to be my baby. Alright?"
"Okay." Loki threw his hands up. "Okay, okay. Okay."
"I'm sure you have some kind of money on you."
Loki pulled out a few gemstones. "Here."
"Don't act so grouchy. You're getting a puppy!"
"That doesn't exactly mean anything to me.
"You'll love him!" The puppy whimpered when Loki looked at him. "After he starts to love you," I nodded. "He still needs a name." I looked into the puppy's dark chocolate eyes. "I think he's a King."
"No, not like that; he can't replace you. Just as a name. Hello, King!" The puppy smiled a puppy smile.

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