We Sing About the French Revolution

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I decided to play an experiment on my Loki. I had shown him Les Mis recently, largely against his will, and I wanted to see how much he had retained. Once I was sure he was completely involved in his novel, I hummed the tune of "Red, the blood of angry men."
Loki absentmindedly muttered, "Black, the dark of ages past."
"Red, a world about to dawn."
"Black, I don't remember the words!"
I laughed out loud and Loki jerked his head to me. "Wait, did I sing that out loud?"
"Yes you did, my good sir. Let's try another."
"I really don't-"
"Now, prisoner 24601, your time is up a and your parole's begun. You know what that means."
Loki seemed barely capable of controlling himself. "Yes, it means I'm free."
"No... Follow to the letter your itinerary. This badge of shame will show until you die. It warns you're a dangerous man."
"I stole something, something bread. My sister's child was close to death. We were starving-"
"You will starve again. Unless you learn the meaning of the law."
"The meaning of those eighte-"
"It's nineteen, actually. Nineteen years. Five years for what you did, the rest because you tried to run."
"My apologies, your Majesty."
I nodded. "It was still pretty good for your first time, though."

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