
A few hours later at the guild, a dead silence filled the guild besides a few talkers and brawls here and there. Although, two mages were missing and nobody knew what they were up to. Not even Happy.

"So, all he said was that they were going on a mission?" Erza questioned the cat who enjoyed his fish birthday cake happily however, he could still see the pain in his eyes.

"Yeah. They said they were gonna try to be back by sunset though." He replies with a mouthful.

"That's weird. They never go on a mission without you." Gray rejoined.

"True. You're like Natsu's left hand." Mira says between orders.

"Natsu barely uses his left hand though."

"I'm useless....?" A tear welled up in his dark eyes.

"No, no, no, no! What I mean is, you always help him! You can't just use one hand! See what I did there?" Mira forced a smile to avoid her panicking self.

"Okay." Happy sniffed as he took another bite. 

Erza pulled her self up from her seat, "Well then, let's go open those hard-working presents to wrap!"

"You make it sound like Christmas..." Happy mumbled as he got up. "Speaking of which, how come last Christmas I didn't get anything?"

"Well," Mira chuckled nervously. "Natsu accidentally burned down all our money so we couldn't buy anything so we just pretended Christmas doesn't exist anymore for that time. Remind me to not invite him to the next party."

As Happy then unwrapped his presents. His gifts were a delight to his eyes. Although, it wasn't exactly what he wanted. That missing part of his heart was to be filled with a new mom. That aching feeling in his head was to only be cured with that one present. Now, he worries he may never get it.

Wendy turned around as she finished cleaning up to only notice the saddening look on his face, "Hey Happy, I'm sure they're on their way very soon. We all know them and they pick up a good fight."

"Yeah, thanks Wendy." He gave a forced smile as she gave her sweet smile back in return.

"And speak of the devil!" Juvia pointed towards the open doors to reveal the one and only two mages that had been gone ever since morn. They seemed rush and tired, even Natsu. Not to mention, a few scratches and cuts flickered their arms and legs.

They sprinted towards the guild and slowed down as their feet came in contact with the wooden floor.

"Did you run through that old forest?" Wendy asked worriedly.

"Yeah, it was the fastest route." Natsu replied nervously, scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Anyway, hi everyone! Sorry for being late! And, happy birthday Happy!" Lucy cheered while giving the blue exceed and warming hug.

"I thought you guys were gonna be gone forever! I missed you..." Happy whimpered.

"So, you don't mind the fact we left without you?"

"No, not really. I wanted you guys to hang out alone today actually."

"That is true." Natsu rejoined.

"So! Let's continue opening the presents!" A bright smile was brought along Happy's lips.

Happy shuffled and popped open his extra presents. He was filled with joy as he laughed cheerfully with the others. Laughs were heard loud and proud. However, he had one extra present.

"Yo Happy!" Natsu called over the cat.

Happy jumped with his little feet over and faced the dragon slayer with a questioning look.

"You forgot a present." Lucy rejoined.

"Hmm?" Happy cocked his head.

Lucy leant over slightly and pulled out her left hand, letting Happy view it and examine it.

"I don't- WHOA." Happy's face lit up.

Everyone paused in whatever they were doing and seemed to hear over the blue cat's shock. They strolled their way over too with a questioning look.

"You two-!"

Erza gasped at the sight, "That's a beautiful...."

"Wedding ring." Mira finished off with an overly happy face.

"Wait, So you..." Gray stood frozen he gave another questioning look.

"You said you wanted a new mother," Natsu said. "So I got you one!"

The watery feeling filled Happy's eyes as he couldn't help but smile. He took off on his feet and gave the biggest hug as possible to the two of them.

"This is the best gift ever!" Happy cheered with still his voice cracking up.

"But you two weren't even dating at first." Erza smiled, looking at the two.

"Well, actually we were, we just didn't.....tell you." Lucy replied with a nervous look.

"I get the hint you didn't even take a mission."

"Nope!" Natsu gave a toothy grin.

"We went to a private wedding."

"Well, I'm glad you did. Happy's never felt so glad before." Mira rejoined to only see the excited Happy.

A Month Later

"Lucy or mom-whatever!"

"Yeah, Happy?"

"When am I gonna have a brother or sister?"

Lucy and Natsu's face flushed deeply.

"Um, we'll try...?"

Lucy groaned as she laid on Natsu's shoulder in exhaustion due to the questions.

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