Chapter 64

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- Carisma's POV -

It's been another three days, totaling ten days of Brooke being missing.

It's getting harder to sleep and train, I've lost the majority of my appetite. We've still made no effort to get her back and it's starting to worry me sick, literally.

I stared up at my ceiling blankly as a knock sounded from my bedroom door.

Groaning, I gave permission for whoever it was to come in.

Masky poked his masked face into my dark room. " Time for training. " Masky spoke up. " For fucks sake, when we will get a break?! " I snapped at the masked man. Masky's tone didn't change as he answered me. " You girls need as much training as you can get, then just maybe you won't die in battle. " Masky stepped into my room. " I don't care any more... " I sighed sadly as I rolled onto my side. " I'll be waiting down stairs, you're doing reflexes with Jack today. " Masky shut my door and I could hear his footsteps grow distant.

I sat up and glanced about the darkness that filled my room.

Groaning, I pushed myself out of bed and stumbled over to the wall to switch the over head light on.

Switching the light on, I was blinded and I squinted my eyes in reflex. " Why did it have to be me? " I questioned myself aloud as I stared up at the ceiling talking to any God that happened to be looking down on me. Anyone else could have been a stupid fucking proxy, but no, it had to be me!

I waltzed over to my dresser and pulled out a red tank top that I had stolen from Brooke a while back and some black leggings that haven't been washed since the last time I wore them.

I threw my old shirt aside and slipped into the tank top, I did the same for the leggings. I rubbed my eyes tiredly as I grabbed my worn out sneakers off the floor and sat on the edge of my bed to slip them on.

I finished tying my laces and I stumbled out of my room and down stairs to meet everyone out back.

Shutting the sliding glass door, I gazed up at Slender's blank face. " Hey cherry! " Ben called me by my new nickname. I looked up to see Ben sitting on the overhang that shaded the back porch. " Don't call me that. " I stated as I turned to walk away. " Why not cherry? " Ben snickered. I turned and glared at the blond elf. " Don't call me that asshole. " I spat, annoyed. " Okay cherry. " Ben gave me a cheeky grin and I turned to look up at the Link impostor. I took a few steps forward before jumping very slightly to enable my not so trained flying abilities.

" When the fuck did you learn that?! " Ben's smile dropped as I rushed through the air and over to him. With a small flash of light, Ben was gone and on the ground. " What? Are you scared asshole?! " I hissed in anger. Alisha laughed at the situation before her as she tucked some of her black hair behind her left ear.

" I see you've gotten better at controlling your movements in the air. " Slender stated as he crossed his arms over his chest. " You could say that. " I said flatly as I made my way back to the ground. The tip of my dirty sneaker caressed the grass and all my weight came back to me as stood there.

" Okay, you all should know who you're partnered with today, so get to it. " the tall being ordered.

Alisha was working on hand to hand combat with Hoodie, Masky and Toby, while Yvanna worked on her agility with Jeff again. She's actually gotten a lot better since her first day of agility training and so have I. Though, Yvanna still trips over air sometimes, it's not as often anymore.

I looked to Jack and crossed my arms. " So, reflexes today? " I asked not amused. Jack grunted in response and lunged at me without warning.

I quickly sidestepped the attack, but just barely made it. Jack whipped around and threw a powerful punch across my left cheek.

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