Chapter 22

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- Brooke's POV -

It's been four days since the car accident, I was still in so much pain and Carisma had to get surgery to attach wires to the inside of her arm so it would work correctly.

Carisma spends a lot of time learning how her new prosthetic arm works. And I spend most of my time resting in my room. Alisha was lucky and only escaped with a few cuts and bruises. The worst she got was a sprained wrist.

Everyday I stop by the clinic and sit with Yvanna for an hour or so. I can't wait to see her smile again.

- Toby's POV -

I haven't left Yvanna's side since the moment she laid on the bed. I rest my head on her chest, listening to her steady heart beat. It calms me knowing there's still a chance she'll wake up. I squeeze her hand, hoping she'll squeeze back. I haven't felt this much grief since I lost my older sister to a car accident a while back.

" Please wake u - up Yvanna... " I whisper knowing she can hear it. " We're a - all waiting for you... I'm w - waiting for y - you... " There hasn't been a day where Yvanna's smile didn't make my day better. Her amazing laugh gives me goosebumps. Though right now she may make me grieve, when she wakes she'll make me happier. I already lost someone I love so dearly to a car crash and I wasn't about to lose her.

I long to see her smile and laugh. She doesn't know, and I'm not ready to show that I love her so much.

- Yvanna's POV -

Hearing Toby's voice makes me want to open my eyes and hug him, but all I can do is sit here day in and day out, in the dark all by myself.

" So it appears I can't let you die, or the fate of humanity hangs in the balance. And I don't want this world falling under Zalgo's rule. Therefore, you can wake up tomorrow. " the man spoke up behind me. " Thank you. " I thanked. " Don't thank me. Be lucky you're special, because if you weren't you would have moved on like all the other souls begging for mercy. " the man disappeared again and now I wait only hours to see everyone again. It's been three days since I've seen everyone.

Everyday I've spent in the dark, I could feel the bed move slightly from Toby's ticks. My heart ached to see him again.

- Jack's POV -

I sprinted through the woods and came to the mansion.

I walked inside and picked up on Brooke's scent, but it wasn't her normal scent. I was smelling Brooke's blood. I dropped my bag and followed the scent of Brooke's blood to to the clinic room.

There, I found Yvanna and Toby, but I didn't mind them. I followed the scent of Brooke's blood over to a bed. I touched the sheets and felt dry blood.

I ran out of the clinic room and upstairs to Brooke's room. I didn't even bother knocking and I ran in. I could hear Brooke's soft whimpers. I walked over to where Brooke was and grabbed her. " Are you okay? " I asked concerned. " I've got a broken leg and a really big gash on my neck, but other then that, I'm fine. " Brooke's voice was soft. I pulled away. " Why are you crying? " I asked as I felt a tear roll over my fingers. " I... " Brooke trailed off. " I already have so many ugly scars and now I'm going to have another one on my neck... " Brooke whimpered again. I stroked her cheek. " Nothing about you is ugly. " " You can't see... " Brooke commented. " I may not be able to see, but I have so many other senses and I have a clear picture of you in my mind. " I found the scar on her face and traced it with my fingers. Brooke moved her hair so I could keep following the edges of the scar. " How did you get these? " I went from her face to her arm and hand. " When I was a baby I stumbled into a fire and in return got some pretty bad burns. " Brooke's voice grew softer. I continued to feel the intrinsic scars on her arms and hand. " I've got a lot of scars too. " I told Brooke as I brought my hand back to her face and felt Brooke smile.

" So what happened to you? " I asked. " Carisma, Alisha, Yvanna, Ben, and I were on our way home from ice skating and a corrupted hit our car off the road. Alisha is okay, Carisma lost half of her arm, Yvanna is in a coma, and I broke my leg and had a huge shard of glass get lodged into the lower part of my neck and collar bone. " Brooke explained. I ran my hand over the bandages and frowned. " Ben should have got me. " I stated. " They wanted you when we were in the clinic. I passed out because of the pain. " Brooke groaned and looked down. " Are you in pain? " Brooke nodded her head and I helped her over to her bed. She sat down and winced. " My leg is killing me. " Brooke said. I sat down on her bed and pulled her close.

We sat there for about ten minutes. " Brooke? " she didn't respond. She fell asleep on me. I leaned against the head board and Brooke curled up on me. I put my arm around her despite smelling of blood and dirt. " I like your heart beat... " Brooke spoke quietly. I held her tighter, not wanting to ever let go.

I never thought one person could make me so happy. This feels like falling in love...

- Jeff's POV -

The sun had gone down and it was dark out.

I walked out front and found Alisha leaning against the wall. " Alisha? " I asked. " Yeah? " Alisha responded.

I grabbed Alisha's hand firmly and looked into her big brown eyes. " I wanna show you something. " I said. Alisha smiled and I sprinted off into the woods. Alisha followed close.

As we ran, the cold December air nipped at our noses. Alisha made our run a race and increased her speed, as did I.

We made it to what I wanted to show her something. Alisha ended up winning the race.

" So what do you want to show me? " Alisha asked through deep breaths. I grabbed her hand and led her out of the woods and into a clearing. I pointed to the sky and Alisha looked up. " Whoa... " Alisha gaped at all the stars in the dark night sky. " I come here whenever I'm stressed out or need to think. " I told Alisha. " It's beautiful. " Alisha continued to stare up at the stars. I saw a smile form on Alisha's face and I smiled too.

Alisha seemed to be memorized by the thousands of stars.

" We should get going. " I said as I started to walk away. Alisha followed and we walked through the woods.

We walked back into the mansion and Alisha plopped down on the couch where Eclipse laid. I went upstairs to shower.

As I came down stairs, towel around neck, I saw Alisha curled up on Eclipse fast asleep. I walked over to her and stroked her cold cheek, smiling to myself.

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