Chapter 18

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- Alisha's POV -

I sat on the couch watching Ben and Nina go at it on Mario Kart. Ben had a winning streak and was wasting no time rubbing it into Nina's face. Nina got sick of Ben's bragging and hit his control out of his hands, ending Ben's winning streak and gaining a win of her own. " You cheater! " Ben exclaimed. " You were the one who was cheating! " Nina screamed. " I wasn't cheating! " " Yeah you were! " Nina spat. " Yeah, you're right, I was cheating. I met Peach once. She's a bitch. " Ben erupted into a fit of laughter and Nina was fuming. As Ben laughed like a madman, I picked up my phone and checked the time, 9:23pm. I pocketed my phone and made my way over to the stairs.

I made my way upstairs and went to Brooke's bedroom door. I knocked on her door softly. " Brooke? " I called as I creaked the door open. I saw Brooke passed out in her bed. Sighing, I shut her door and made it to my room.

I walked into my room and changed into my pajamas. I walked over to my bed and curled up under my purple blanket.

I woke up in a dark plain and looked around curiously. I was surrounded by darkness, total darkness. I walked around and seemed to be going no where, like I was walking in place. " Hello?! " I screamed out. I turned around and bumped into a figure. I took a step back to see who was there. My mom stood there, staring at me with cold dead eyes. " Mom? " I asked in confusion as I waved my hand in front of her face. " WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME?! " My mom spat out harshly. " Wh - what? " I started backing away from my mom, but soon felt another person behind me. I spun around quickly only to be face to face with my dad. I turned back to face my mom and my siblings were there now. " WHY DID YOU LEAVE US?! " they all shouted in unison as they continued to close in on me. " I - I'm sorry... I didn't - " I was cut off. " OH, YOU DIDN'T WANT TO?! THEN WHY DID YOU?! " my mom's voice became more distorted as she continued to yell. " I had to! " I exclaimed, hot tears streaming down my face. " YOU LEFT US AND NOW WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE! " " N - no! " I sunk to my knees with my hands over my ears, but it was no use. Even if I covered my ears, I could still hear them clear as day. " WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE BECAUSE YOU LEFT US! " they all screeched in unison. They all continued to close in on me. " NO! YOU'RE ALL WRONG! " I exclaimed through loud sobs. They kept coming closer, I squeezed my eyes shut and screamed. When I opened my eyes I was in my house. I sat up in my bed and walked out into the dimly lit hall way. In the kitchen, my mom stood. " YOU'RE NOT GOOD ENOUGH ALISHA! HOW COULD I EVER CALL YOU MY DAUGHTER?! " my mom's distorted screams echoed. " YOU'RE WRONG! " I screamed as tears cascaded down my face. I ran out of the kitchen and into the living room where my dad was standing. "YOU'RE NOT SMART ENOUGH ALISHA! WORK HARDER! " my dad shouted. I ran outside my house and I was suddenly in the vacant school hall ways. I looked around, tears still streaming down my face. I ran down the hall way, trying to escape. I rounded the corner and was caught in someone's arms. I struggled to be let go. I broke free and turned around to be faced with four of my old bullies. I fell backwards and they all hovered over me. I put my hands to my face and screamed as they closed in on me with distorted laughter.

I was shaken awake by someone. " Alisha! " I shot up, sobbing and looked for the source of the voice calling my name. I looked to my right and beside my bed stood Jeff, his smile and eyes startled me for a moment, but the fear of Jeff's appearance quickly subsided. Jeff was in the room right across from mine. He took a seat on the edge of my bed and put his hand on my tear covered face. " What happened? " I looked up at Jeff and shook my head. I didn't want to talk about it. I never thought that I would be so relieved to see someone, especially if it was Jeff. I continued to cry as I stared at Jeff's ghostly white face.

Jeff put his other hand on my face and pulled me to his face slowly. Connecting his pale lips with mine, he passionately kissed me, almost like he was angry. Jeff pushed away and my tears stopped momentarily. Jeff stood up abruptly and stormed out the room.

Is he okay? Is he drunk again?

I sat in the dark in confusion as I put my fingers to my lips and smiled, forgetting my dream. I never thought my first kiss would be from a psycho drunken, but weirder things happen everyday I guess.

I couldn't help myself, I had to tell someone, despite being confused and puzzled. I got out of bed and made my way down the hall and over to Brooke's room. I opened her door and walked into the darkness. I ran over to her bed, tripping over her laundry in the process. I jumped onto Brooke's bed, minding her condition, so I didn't land on her. I leaned in close to her face. " Brooke? " I whispered. Brooke woke up groggily. " What...? " Brooke groaned. I jumped off her bed and ran over to her light switch and switched on the lights. " What the hell?! " Brooke threw the blanket over her head.

" Jeff kissed me! " I jumped back onto her bed. Brooke threw the blanket off of her and stared at me in shock. A scowl playing its way onto Brooks lips. " He did? " Brooke asked eerily. I nodded my head slowly and gave the blue eyed girl a half smile. Brooke was silent for a moment before her scowl faded and she returned my awkward smile.

I yawned and as did Brooke. I flopped off of Brooke and rolled over on her bedside, curling up in her blanket. " What do you think you're doing? " Brooke questioned me as she pulled the blanket off of her head. " Sleeping. " I said bluntly. Brooke groaned and rolled over, falling back asleep quickly.

My exhaustion set in and I rolled over and went back to sleep as well.

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