Chapter 30

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- Alisha's POV-

I sat in my room on my bed, lonely and angry. I can't believe that Brooke, one of my best friends, kept that a secret from me. US! Jeff has been starting to grow on me quite a bit, I can't just leave him out of the blue. He'll... He'll be devastated. I huffed and scratched Eclipse's head. Purring, Eclipse nuzzled her head into my lap and stared up at me with her deep brown eyes. Eclipse has soft, black fur. Smile's fur is dark red color and a huge human like grin. In an odd way, his grin is comforting. Sighing, I got out of bed and walked out of my room, Eclipse following not far behind.

I trailed down the long desolate hallway of the mansion looking for Yvanna. I checked her room and found nothing but air. Groaning in annoyance, I checked down stairs. Still no sign of Yvanna. I checked the kitchen, clinic, and the library, but there was still no Yvanna. I finally decided to check outside, considering that was the only place I hadn't looked.

- Yvanna's POV -

After hearing the news from Slenderman, I stormed out front into the cold snow to be alone with my thoughts. It breaks my heart knowing that I have to leave everyone. Especially Toby. Hell, I'll even miss that dumb ass, Ben. I stifled a soft laugh thinking about Ben and his stupid ways. I walked over the wet snow and sat against a nearby tree.

I sat there for a few minutes before I heard snow crunching. I looked up to see who was walking towards me. I recognized Toby's disheveled chocolate brown hair and muzzle over his mouth. I smiled at the ticking boy, but my smile soon faded remembering Slenderman's words. Stopping in front of me, Toby cocked his head to the side questioningly. I let out a tired sigh and stared back up at the ashen boy without uttering a word. Toby raised his twitching hand up to his muzzle and pulled it down to reveal the lower part of his face. Still silent, Toby got down on his knees and hugged me. All twitching seemed to become irrelevant as I hugged him back tightly.

I don't want to let go.

Turning to face my ear, Toby muttered. " I - I know... " I hummed into the crook of his neck and felt my heart become heavy with dread. Did he know I was sad? Or that we are leaving? Questions circulated my mind and Toby pulled away from the hug to go back inside. The cold air nipped at my nose and a chill ran down my spine. Pulling my arms to my chest for warmth, I stood up slowly and made my way back to the mansion. As I walked, I noticed a small boy standing in the distance. I paused my walking and stared at the boy for a moment before he ran off. Figuring it was just a random kid, I resumed my walk inside. I need to change, my clothes are soaked from the snow.

I walked inside and was immediately met with screams. " GO TO HELL SMILEY! " Ben insulted Jeff from a choke hold. I stared in confusion at the two boys. Jeff stayed silent as he continued to strangle the blond elf with a scowl on his paper white face. I was about to open my mouth to say something, when I saw a crazed smile come across Ben's face and his eyes narrow devilishly. Ben's body pixelated away, causing Jeff to fall forward and onto his face. Ben stood next to me as Jeff growled in irritation. The elf started to snicker at the smiling boy, but was cut short when Jeff lunged over the couch, tackling Ben.

Jeff started throwing swift, powerful punches left and right, but Ben dodged everyone that came his way. Growing more irate each second, Jeff put all his force into a right hook, hitting Ben powerfully. Laughing in satisfaction, Jeff threw another punch, but Ben caught it with his hand. Flipping the black hair boy onto his stomach, Ben put Jeff into a choke hold. Gasping for air, Jeff reeled his head back quickly, hitting Ben in the nose and causing blood to start dripping. " DAMN IT! " Ben screamed as he put one of his hands to his nose. Jeff went to tackle the blond again, but Ben kicked his attack away and sending Jeff flying into the back of the couch.

I watched in utter confusion as the two seemingly ripped each other apart. I heard footsteps and a gasp come form behind. Turning around, I saw Hoodie and Masky standing on the steps. Hoodie jumped into the midst of the fight to break it up while Masky came over to stand next to me.

Hoodie pulled Jeff and Ben apart after a couple minutes of struggling. " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DUMB FUCKS DOING?! " Hoodie demanded in anger. Jeff stayed silent with a smile while Ben scowled. Turning his masked face, Hoodie stared Ben down. " That clorox clown ended my winning streak! " Ben hissed in anger. I faced palmed at the ridiculous reason behind the fight and made my way up stairs, leaving the four of them to argue it out.

I made in into my room and sighed out of relief. Finally some peace and quite. I made my way over to the quaint dresser that housed my small amount of clothes and grabbed a clean t - shirt and a pair of old sweat pants.

I changed into the new clothes and threw my old, wet ones to the other side of my room, into a pile of dirty clothes that resided in the corner. I went to sit on my unmade bed, when out of the corner of my eye I saw something in the distance outside my window. Brushing it off, I flopped down onto my bed and curled up under the blanket and fell asleep.

- Time Skip -

I was awoken to the sound of knocking on my bedroom door. Groggily, I sat up and yawned followed by a long stretch. " What...? " I said still half asleep. " Time for training. " Alisha's sweet voice sounded through the old wood door. " M'kay... " I mumbled tiredly. Alisha's didn't respond as I heard her footsteps grow quieter down the hallway. I stood up and grabbed a towel off the ground to take a shower and began walking when I, again, noticed something outside my window. Before I could catch what it was it jolted out of sight and I dropped my towel at the sight of the thing left on my window.

Two, still warm, child sized hand prints sat clear as day and I could feel my stomach sink.

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