Chapter 7

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- Yvanna's POV -

We continued to run for what felt like hours, but was actually only fifteen minutes. My knees ached and my lungs burned from the cold air I was taking in. Alisha was covered in black and red blood, I bet she's freezing. As we sprinted through the woods, I had the strange feeling of people watching me. I brushed off this feeling and continued to run.

As we came to the edge of the woods, Carisma collapsed and breathed in deep heavy gulps of air. "Are you okay?" I asked Carisma through hitched breaths, trying to catch my breath. Carisma gave me a thumbs up and I bent over and put my hands on my knees. Brooke helped Carisma up off the ground and brushed the leaves and dirt off her back.

"My house is just around the corner." Brooke huffed as she began to walk out onto the sidewalk and we followed.

Brooke unlocked the front door and we all stumbled in. Carisma and I flopped onto the couch while Brooke gave Alisha a towel and showed her where the bathroom was. Brooke came back down stairs and laid on the couch in exhaustion.

"If I'ma do illegal things tonight, I don't want to be tired." Carisma groaned as she rolled off the couch and on to the hard wood floor. Brooke looked at her hands and sighed as she got up. Her hands were covered in black and red blood. Brooke walked into the kitchen and started to scrub her hands.

There was silence in the house before I heard Alisha from up stairs. "BROOKE, I NEED CLOTHES!" Brooke came out of the kitchen and jogged up the stairs.

- Brooke's POV -

I finished drying my hands and then I heard Alisha yelling for me, so I jogged up stairs to see what she needed.

"Hey, I need to borrow some clothes." Alisha said through the crack in the door. I nodded my head and went to my room to find her something. I tried to find stuff that would fit her, but in was inevitable that something would be baggy on her, especially my shirts. I settled on a pink t-shirt that I never wore and some dark grey sweatpants. I walked back to the bathroom and handed them to Alisha through the crack in the door. I waited outside as I heard Alisha fumble around. She stepped out and smiled, the pants were a little baggy, but they worked for the time being. I collected her dirty clothes and threw them in the washer with more detergent than was necessary. 

Alisha and I walked back into the living room and found Yvanna asleep and Carisma on the verge of passing out. Not wanting to bother them, Alisha and I tip toed back up stairs and into my bed room. Alisha jumped onto my bed and I sat at my computer desk. "So, what'cha want to do?" Alisha asked as she sat up. I shrugged my shoulders in response and turned back to my laptop that sat neatly on my old black desk. I opened the lap top, typed in my password, and opened up Google and sat there thinking about what to do.

A thought came to mind and I began to type. "Black wolf with red eyes." I said aloud as I hit the 'enter' key and watched the search results pop up. I went from website to website trying to find out what I had saw in the woods, but nothing popped up, everything was about hell hounds and demons. I went back to Google and paused, I thought for a couple minutes before I brought my small pale hands back to the keyboard. "Tall thin man in the woods." I typed and the results popped up. Again, I went website to website, but still nothing so I clicked images and started to scroll through the pictures. Most of them were of the Enderman from Minecraft. As I continued to scroll, I found a picture, it was kind of blurry, but I could still make out the picture. I looked to see what the name of the picture was. "Tall man in woods!" it was titled, yeah that really helps. I squinted, so I could make out the picture better and I saw it. I saw the same man that has been watching us, but he looked different at the same time. He looked angry, he was in a sort of running motion with tentacles protruding from his back and the skin where his mouth should be was ripping apart to show sharp teeth. It didn't seem scary to me, I was curious. I attempted to zoom in on the picture, but my computer erupted in static causing me to cover my ears and Alisha to yelp. I tried to turn the laptop off, that didn't work so I took the battery out and the static halted.

"WHAT was was that!?" Alisha shrieked angrily as she uncovered her ears. I gave her a look of confusion and sat on my bed. I pulled out my phone. 6:23pm. It was starting to get dark, I could finally eliminate Alex and Becca. I felt a small smile form on my face and I looked at Alisha who smirked back playfully.

Alisha and I walked back down stairs, Alisha went to waking up the others and I took Alisha's clothes out of the washer then threw them in the dryer. I went back to the living room and saw everyone on their phones. "What are you guys up to?" I asked as I took a seat next to Carisma on the couch.

"Asking my mom if I can stay over." Carisma responded groggily as she hit the send button on a text. I looked to Alisha and Yvanna who nodded.

"What'd she say?" I asked leaning on Carisma, who groaned.

"She said it's fine." Carisma turned her phone off and got up.

"Where you guys going?" I asked as everyone got up and headed for the front door.

"We have to get ready for tonight." Carisma smirked evilly at me and I laughed a little in realization.

"Guess I should get ready too. Huh?" I said while I stretched. Carisma grinned at me and walked out the front door, Alisha and Yvanna followed.

After they left I jogged up stairs and into my bathroom to get a shower. I turned the water on and jumped back because it was freezing. As the water warmed up, I got undressed and threw my clothes in the hamper next to me.

- Time Skip -

I twisted the shower off and stepped out, being careful not to fall. I grabbed my towel, wrapped it around my ashen body, and walked back into my room to get dressed. I decided on wearing black skinny jeans, black combat boots, a navy blue tank top and my favorite black hoodie. I've always loved the color blue. As I brushed my cold damp hair, I heard my front door open and close with a series of footsteps after. I finished brushing my hair and ran down stairs.

I saw Carisma, Alisha and Yvanna, they were ready to go.

Carisma was wearing black ripped skinny jeans, a tight black t-shirt, black and red sneakers, and her red jacket. Her dark hair with the red tips went perfectly with her outfit. Alisha was wearing her black jacket with the floppy cat ears on top, black leggings, the pink t-shirt I gave her and hot pink high tops. Yvanna was wearing black leggings, an army green t-shirt, a black jacket with a single green ring going around one sleeve, and black converse. They all looked perfect in the sense we were going out to kill people and probably be convicted of third degree murder. But none the less, they looked perfect.

I'm ready.

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