Chapter 32

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- Brooke's POV -

I grabbed my black backpack with the light brown leather outlining all pockets. I didn't bother to fold or even wash some of the clothes I stuffed into the black and brown bag. It's not like I have many clothes to stuff anyway. Along with my sad amount of clothes, I slipped in my dead lap top, my half full sketch book, and the old picture of my broken family. I pulled the drawstrings as tight as I could on the backpack and then flipped the flap over the front of the drawstrings and buttoned the two buttons. The room was already bare before hand, but now it just feels empty.

I groaned and walked out of my cold empty room. I stood in the vacant hallway and checked the time on my phone. 12:08pm. Ugh. " Max? " I said questioningly.

What's up?

" I'm sorry for being a bitch earlier. " I apologized. I honestly didn't mean to be so rude and snappy. I was just pissed off in the moment and didn't mean to be a complete bitch.

It's fine Brooke. Ill live.

" Are you even living at all? " I asked in a sarcastic tone while chuckling under my breath.

I have no idea if being a manefestation or part of your soul is considered ' living ' or not.

I laughed at Max's remark and began to make my way down stairs.

I stepped off the last step of the old stairs and walked into the kitchen for a cup of water. I'm parched.

Grabbing a worn out plastic cup, I retrieved the nearly empty jug of water out of the fridge and poured the cold, clear liquid into my cup. I leaned against the counter as I sipped the water and Ben walked in. " How's it going B? " Ben jumped up to sit on the counter. " It's going relatively well considering we're being evicted. " I laughed awkwardly as I looked Ben up and down. He's still in his normal clothes. " How come you're not in pajamas or something more comfortable? " Ben laughed a little at my random question. " I don't sleep! Well, I can, but don't have to. " Ben snickered. 

That's pretty cool.

" How come? " I asked curiously as I took the last sip of my water. " I don't age! I'm a spirit in the body of a video game character! " Ben exclaimed rather proudly. " Plus, I can make any and all things technology my bitch. " I laughed at Ben's stupidity and I set my cup in the sink. " I'm going to go to bed. See ya. " I started to walk out of the kitchen before catching Ben's goodbyes. " See ya B! I'm going to go terrorize some people! "

That's a unique way of passing time.

I chuckled briefly at Max as I walked up the stairs. " Its one way. " Max laughed and I stopped at my bedroom door, exhausted. I opened my door without a second thought and jumped into my bed. " Goodnight Max. "


- Yvanna's POV -

I stood in the middle of my cold empty room tired, lonely, and sad. I gathered all my things up, well its not like I had much to gather to begin with. Sighing, I shuffled into the bathroom to plash some water on my face.

I turned the faucet on and waited for the water to warm up. Running my hand under the luke warm water, I brought several handfuls to my face.

I turned the water off and used my hands to wipe any dripping water away. I grabbed my previously used towel off the floor and used it to dry the remaining water. Pulling the towel away from my face, I went to stare into the mirror, but screamed when I saw a tall shadow in the mirror. I stumbled back and landed hard on the rim of the bathtub. I winced at the sudden pain and scowled. Pushing myself up, I looked in the mirror again and was confused at the sight of me. No shadow, just me. Ignoring my pain I hastily left the bathroom.

I climbed into bed and was hesitant to close my eyes, but the worry eventually subsided and I fell asleep in the darkness of my room.

- Time Skip -

I was awoken abruptly by the sound of people beating the wall. I basically threw the covers off of me when I stumbled out of bed and over to the light switch.

I flipped the lights on and panicked at when I saw.

Black hand prints covered my walls from floor to ceiling. I opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out. All I could do was stare at the hundreds of hand prints upon my walls. It became harder to breath and I started to wheeze for air. As the seconds passed, I was having great difficulty breathing. I dropped to my knees and put my hands to my throat. Just as soon as my hands made contact with my skin, I was shot into the air. I looked up and saw that the same shadow from before had me by the neck and was dangling me in the air like a toy. Staring at the shadow felt like starring into a never ending void of darkness and sorrow. My mind was racing looking for anyway to get out of his hold. As my mind continued to race, I suddenly remembered a spell Ms.P told me about. My vision began to blur as I started to say the spell.

" Im Schatten versteckt - " I took in as much air as I possibly could. " - sich das Böse, Bereit, mich von der - " I feel like I'm going to black out at any moment " Seite der Liebe zu ziehen, Aber mit deiner Hilfe werde ich stark sein, Verbanne alle, die mich falsch machen. Schickt sie weg, schickt sie in die Irre Nie wieder, um meinen Weg zu gehen. So soll es sein... " The shadow dispersed into a violent cloud of black smoke that swarmed my room. I hit the ground with a loud, hard thump and gasped for air.

The black smoke started to fill my lungs and I was suffocating and blinded by the mass amount of smoke. A dark hand reached out and picked me up with no effort. Throwing me, I hit the door with a thud that almost resembled thunder. I hit the ground and the hand reached out to grab me again, but I quickly dodged and reached for the door handle. Falling out of my room and struggling to get to me feet, I ran into the hallway and the smoke didn't leave my room. Brooke came out of her room, half asleep, to see what all the commotion was about. Brooke laid her blue eyes on me and rushed to my side.

Seeing the smoke and the shadows, Brooke was now fully awake. " I'll go get Slenderman! " Brooke sprinted down the hall and the shadow tried to come out of my room, but couldn't do so for some reason, it looked trapped.

A few moments later Slenderman, Brooke, and some of the others showed up. Upon Slenderman entering my room, everything stopped and vanished. All the smoke and all the shadows. The shadows seemed scared of Slenderman's presence and the only evidence left was the hand prints on my walls. " WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?! " Carisma exclaimed. I gave a questioning look to Slender. " This was one of Zalgo's many shadow puppets. "

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