Chapter 2

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- Alisha's POV -

As we continued to watch the movie my head began to hurt. At first it was just a light pain, but it soon grew into an intense migraine that wouldn't ease up. I put my hand on my fore head and groaned in pain.

"Does your head hurt too?" Yvanna asked with annoyance present in her tone. I nodded to her question and she groaned, clutching her head in pain as she screwed her eyes shut.

"Do your heads hurt?" I asked Brooke and Carisma as I turned to them.

"No." they both said in unison, keeping their attention on us. I groaned in pain once more and flopped back down, hopping the pain would ease up at some point.

"Can we stay the night?" Yvanna asked Carisma as she panned her vision over in the tall girl's direction.

"Sure, I don't mind. Just don't make any messes or a lot of noise." Carisma responded without taking her eyes away from the final bits of the movie. Yvanna and I laid down and I drifted off to sleep shortly after.

- Time Skip, Carisma's POV -

Brooke and I had been up all night paranoid. We couldn't sleep feeling like we were being watched, we just couldn't no matter how hard we tried. I'd ask Alisha and Yvanna if they felt watched too, but that would probably make us sound crazy or provoke them to freak out. I'm so tired and Brooke has bags under her blue eyes like I've never seen before. I looked over to Alisha who had been fidgeting in her sleep all night, though that's not too unusual. I assume Alisha felt my staring as she sat up sleepily, rubbed her eyes, and yawned. "Does your head still hurt?" I asked groggily, eyes droopy with exhaustion. Alisha shook her head 'no' and proceeded to push Yvanna off the couch, opening up more space for the black haired girl. Yvanna hit the hardwood floor with a loud thud. Yvanna sat up from the ground and pulled Alisha off the couch by her shoulder lengthen hair. Alisha fell to the ground hard and laughed, Yvanna did not look pleased. Yvanna has always hated being woken up by people in crude manners, her best friend is no exception.

I looked over to the ashen skinned girl who was on her phone. "Brooke?" I called-out my best friend's name, grabbing her attention.

"Yeah?" Brooke said without looking up from her dimly-lit phone screen. Brooke would stare for a moment before resuming her tapping that I assumed to be typing. She's never been the best at typing on a small phone screen, especially since her hands are small and she has to break her thumb to hit the 'a' on the opposite side of the screen.

"We are NOT going to Kenny-wood tonight." I stated bluntly as I rubbed my left eye, causing me to see spots.

"Agreed." She said as she yawned, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Did you guys stay up all night?!" Yvanna asked in shock as she looked over us with curious filled eyes. I shot Yvanna a look of 'no shit sherlock' as Brooke spoke up.

"It's not the fact that I stayed up all night, it's the fact that we felt like we were being watched." Brooke said as she turned her phone off and looked at Yvanna. I mentally face palmed at what Brooke said, I didn't want them to know.

"Watched? By who?" Alisha questioned, intrigued as she leaned forward in interest rather than fright. Strange, I would have thought that Alisha of all people would have been frightened, but I guess I was wrong.

"If I knew, I'd tell you. Honestly I would." I answered Alisha's question as I leaned my head back.

"What time is it?" Alisha asked as she sat forward, resting her elbows on her knees. I grabbed my phone and turned it on.

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