Chapter 27

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- Brooke's POV -

I stared at myself in the mirror for a few moments before sighing and dropping my head. Every time I look at myself, I see my mother. The blue eyes, long brown hair, and short stature mimic my mothers appearance. I continued to stare down at my bare feet and I let out a deep sigh.

I walked over to my bed and sat down, grabbing my phone, I checked the time. 5:34 in the morning. I set my phone down and let my weight pull me down into my fluffy, blue blanket. Slender's words replayed in my head. " Brooke, I've come to the decision that you girls have to leave... " I understand that it's for our safety and all, but I still don't want to leave. My phone vibrated on the old, wooden nightstand next to me and I retrieved it tiredly. I punched in my four digit pin and went to my notifications bar, there was a text from my dad that read. " Glücklicher 16th geburtstag! Ich liebe ditch. " which roughly translated to. " Happy 16th birthday! Love you. " That's right... today is my birthday. I almost forgot with all the chaos lately. I smiled at the message and replied with. " Thanks daddy! I love you too. " a blue heart emoji accompanied the short message. " Ich vermisse dich... " My dad said that he missed me and I missed him too... I miss my whole family. " I miss you too. I'll be home in a week or two. " I sent the message and turned my phone off. I wonder if anyone else remembered my birthday. I pushed the thought aside and rolled over to go to sleep.

Ich vermisse dich Papi...

- Time Skip -

I was nudged awake by strong hands and I rolled over to face the idiot who was waking me up. Hoodie, Masky, and Toby were standing next to my bed, staring down at me. " It's time to get up. You girls are going to be learning with Ms.P. " Hoodie spoke. Feeling annoyed, I rolled back over. Toby laughed and Hoodie groaned in aggravation. Hoodie grabbed my wrist and spoke again. " I'm going to count to three. One. " I ignored Hoodie and shut my eyes. " Two. Three. " Hoodie yanked me out of bed and I hit the ground with a loud, painful thud. Now that I'm on the ground, I'm going to have a hell of a time trying to get up with a stupid cast on my leg. " You're an ass. " I glared up at Hoodie. " I won't take that personally. " Hoodie stated. Masky held his hand out to me. I took his hand and he pulled me up with no effort.

Balancing myself, I looked at Toby. " Where to? " I asked. " O - oh, we cleared s - some snow. So out f - front. " Toby ticked. The proxy trio left me to get dressed and I yawned. Other than my sweatpants, nothing will go over the cast on my leg.

I ended up cutting the leg off a pair of old, faded black tights and wearing my black hoodie. I slipped on an old sneaker onto my good foot and made my way down stairs.

Carisma, Alisha, and Yvanna waited by the front door while Ms.P and Slender talked outside. " Ready? " Yvanna asked me. I nodded my head with a small smile and we went outside. The cold December air sent a shiver down my spine.

" Good morning girls! " Ms.P greeted us. We all returned the greeting and stood before the tall woman. " So, is there anything I should know in advance? " Ms.P questioned and everyone looked at me. I sighed and spoke up. " Max? " Max manifested himself next to me and waved to Ms.P. " Who's this? " Mrs.P gestured to Max's shadowy figure. " Max is bound to Brooke. He protects and keeps her company. " Slenderman answered. " Oh. Well, hello. " Max returned her greeting with a simple wave. Max disappeared and returned to the confines of my mind. " Anything else? " Ms.P came again. Everyone stayed silent. " Good. Good. " Ms.P stated before a big leather book appeared in her long, pale arms.

The book floated in front of her as she began to flip through the mass abundance of pages. She came to a page and stopped. She called Carisma, Alisha and Yvanna to her. Slenderman shifted his gaze to me. " You won't be able to do spells. " I nodded my head, a bit confused, and took a seat on the front porch.

" This is a destruction spell. Point your hand at a tree and repeat after me. " they all nodded their heads and took their targets at a far away tree. " Ready? " everyone nodded and Ms.P began to say the spell.

" Die Macht der Heckingson Jumbo. So thy kann mein Bieten tun. Ich berufe die Macht von drei. Deine Macht zu erhöhen. Dreimal gesagt. Dreimal getan. SO SOLL ES SEIN! " Ms.P finished the spell and they all repeated in unison. Alisha and Yvanna's hands started to glow red, but soon fizzled out. Carisma on the other hand, her hand glowed bright scarlet red as she chanted the spell. Before I knew it, the perfect tree she had aimed at broke up into nothing.

Alisha and Yvanna attempted the spell one last time, but as soon as their hands would start to glow, it would fizzle out.

This spell is the opposite of my healing hands. Red hands that cause mass destruction and blue hands that can heal. Interesting.

" Perfect Carisma. Go again. " Ms.P instructed. Carisma targeted a far away tree and held her hand up at her target.

" Die Macht der Heckingson Jumbo. So thy kann mein Bieten tun. Ich berufe die Macht von drei. Deine Macht zu erhöhen. Dreimal gesagt. Dreimal getan. SO SOLL ES SEIN! " Carisma finished and the tree, once again, broke up into nothing. " If you concentrate hard enough you can you use this power to also break things that you wouldn't be able to break through normally. And another thing Carisma, when you're a proxy you don't have to repeat the spell. " Ms.P explained. Carisma nodded her head with a smile and walked up to a near by tree. " Concentrate. " Slenderman said. Closing her eyes, Carisma got into a fighting stance and her hands glowed bright red. Even her metal hand glowed.

Carisma opened her eyes and punched straight through the tree with a glowing red fist. Alisha, Yvanna, and I stared in awe as Carisma threw another punch straight through the tree's thick trunk with little to no effort.

Carisma backed away from the tree and let the red glow fade away.

" Now for Alisha and Yvanna. "

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