Chapter 54

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- Alisha's POV -

Jeff shook me awake and I swiped his had away. " Get up, we'll be arriving today. " Jeff said in a low, rough voice. Groaning, I sat up in the uncomfortable motel bed and stretched.

Dropping my arms to my sides, Jeff tossed me my bag and told me to get dressed. I sighed, grabbed my bag, and got out of bed to go to the bathroom to change and wash my face.

I locked the bathroom door, set my bag on the toilet cover and rummaged through it for something that matched.

I ended up wearing black tights with flowers all over them, a plain black t - shirt, and my pink high tops. Nothing too special.

I zipped my backpack up and swung it over my shoulder before leaving the bathroom. Once outside, Jeff looked me up and down questioningly. " What? " I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest. " You like flowers, don't ya? " Jeff asked as he grabbed his white hoodie and slipped it on. " Yeah. Why? " I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and checked the time. March eighth, 10:21 am. March eight?! In three days it'll be Carisma's sixteenth birthday! I need to get her something. " I was just curious. " Jeff spoke up as he slipped his shoes on and grabbed his small duffle bag. Jack was sitting on the edge of the bed with his elbows on his knees. I can't see his face through the mask, but something tells me he's in thought. Toby sat in a chair still playing around with the Rubix cube. All we're waiting on is Ben. " Is there a town near Dr.S? " I asked as I took a seat on the edge of my bed. " Yeah, it's about a mile away. Why? " Jack said. " Well, Carisma's birthday is coming up in three days and I sorta missed Brooke's a couple months ago. " I said awkwardly. Jack lifted his head to face me. " When was her birthday? " Jack asked in a monotone voice. " December sixth. " I said with a small smile. Jack didn't answer me, he just looked back at the ground.

" SUP FUCKERS! " Ben busted out of the TV. " Ready to go? " Ben asked as he turned the TV off. " Yep. " I said as I stood up. " Mhm. " Toby mumbled. Jack and Jeff stayed silent. " Kill joys. " Ben said flatly. Jeff growled and Ben laughed as he walked out the front door.

- Time Skip -

A few short hours later, we arrived at a relatively large hour on the side of the road. " This the place. " Ben said as he shut the car off and hopped out.

I climbed out and starred up at the house that I would call home for the next few days. It's a nice looking place, but with a sinister feel to it. I grabbed my bag and found a man standing on the front porch with his arms behind his back.

As we walked up the small set of stairs to get to the porch, I saw Jack grow noticeably aggravated. " Slenderman told me you all would be coming. " Dr.S spoke. Nobody could say anything back as Jack landed a hard punch to the doctor's face. " Hello to you too Jack. " Dr.S grabbed his jaw and adjusted it. " I won't take that personally. " Dr.S's red beady eyes met mine and he spoke up again. " You must be Alisha, the corrupted one. " Dr.S spoke through a doctor's mask. " Yeah. " I said flatly. " I can smell it on you. We met once before at the mansion when your friends got hurt. " the red eyed man spoke. I nodded. " Well, come in and make yourselves at home. I need to start with Alisha. " Dr.S opened the front door and gestured for us to go in.

Inside, everyone sat in the living room while I followed Dr.S.

- Brooke's POV -

I laid on my ' bed ', bored and waiting for Slender, Ms.P, Hoodie and Masky to show up for today's training. I picked up my phone and checked the time. 2:45 in the afternoon.

What do you think you're going to do today?

" I don't know. Magic? Wait, I can't do that. Ugh. " I groaned and rolled over onto my stomach.

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