Chapter 51

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- Brooke's POV -

" Oh no. " I thought to myself as the four vans came to an abrupt stop behind Kate. I glanced over at Yvanna, she's lying still on the ground. I caught notice of Carisma near the side of a building, crouching and loading her gun with the few bullets she had left.

A man dressed in a suit stepped out of one van and laughed to himself. " Hello Brooke. " I darted my vision to the man and my blood ran cold as I saw him and four MTF officers with cuffs. I was frozen and couldn't act, it's the same man that kidnapped me before...

As they were about to reach me, another gun shot rang out and I felt Kate's weight shift on me. I took this opportunity to completely kick Kate off of me and when I did she flew back about ten feet and dented the side of a van. " Thanks Max! " I scrambled to my feet to run.


I listened to Max and dove behind a car just as a series of shots fired out. I looked up for a moment and saw Carisma motioning for me to come to her, but as soon as I moved I heard Kate's angry, distorted screams ring out. I wasted no time and sprinted over to Carisma.

You need to get Yvanna, go. I got it covered.

I groaned and hesitantly ran back into action. As I ran in front of the gun fire, I dove for Yvanna's body and held my hand out. Bullets bounced off Max's force field and one hit an MTF officer dead center in the forehead and he collapsed, lifeless. I cradled Yvanna's figure in my arms an attempted to stand, but an officer tackled me. Yvanna fell to the floor once more and I struggled with the man. I managed to kick him off me and stand. My arm hurts, but I got into a fighting stance as I held one claw knife in my good hand. The officer swung at me, but I hit his arm back and round house kicked him. I went to kick again, but he caught my foot mid air and tripped me. I hit my side hard, but bounced back as quickly as I could. I was right hooked by the officer. I stumbled back and was grabbed by another officer, pinning my arms to my sides. As I struggled, I noticed four more MTF officers holding cuffs walk towards me at an alarming rate and I started to panic. " M - MAX! " as soon as that name left my mouth, officers were thrown back and a van was crushed with MTF still inside. As I starred at the blood slowly drip out of the now crushed van, I let out a sinister laugh. I began to thrash in the hold of the MTF officer and managed to get his fore arm closer to my shoulders. A thought popped into mind and I bit down on his arm. " YOU LITTLE FUCKER! " he screamed as he dropped me and grabbed his bleeding arm. I turned to run back over to Yvanna and so did the MTF officer, but before he could take another step Carisma took him out. " GET YVANNA! " I ordered Carisma. She's stronger than I am and doesn't have an injured shoulder so it makes sense. Where the fuck is my dad?! Forget it, I have no time to worry about that.

Max took out the few remaining MTF officers and flipped the vans so there was no way of them getting out of the situation or living.

Carisma held Yvanna close to her chest and turned to look at me. " Go back home. I won't be far behind. " I stated as I turned to face Kate. She had a smile that put Jeff to shame and rolled her neck, letting out sickening cracks. " Hehe. You're funny kid. " she said with her distorted voice as she lunged at me. I barely side stepped her and threw a hard punch to the side of her face, but she was seemingly unaffected by it. She cackled loudly and swept my feet out from under me. I nearly fell, but I caught my balance. " Slenderman must have trained you well. " she giggled as she landed a hard blow to my stomach and brought my head down onto her knee. " But not good enough. " she smiled as she let me up she took the opportunity to land another hard blow, but to my face this time. I felt blood trickle down my face and she went to throw another punch, but I caught her hand mid throw and twister her arm around and up between her shoulder blades. I heard her arm let out a loud crack and she growled in anger. Kate shifted her body weight and flipped me over her shoulder.

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