Chapter 13

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- Brooke's POV -

The four of us were escorted to a huge office where a tall man sat on a couch that was across from another identical couch. The walls had a dark brown wooden border and the paint was a constant deep shade of red. " Hello children. " Slenderman spoke in a deep soothing voice, he gestured for us to sit on the couch across from him. I was the first to walk in. Carisma, Alisha, and Yvanna followed in after me. Carisma, Alisha, and Yvanna sat on the couch while I leaned against the arm rest. I could her fumbling footsteps outside the office's big double doors, those three idiots were eavesdropping.

" I've had my eye on you girls for a while now and it has come to my attention that you girls are rather unique in your nature. " Slenderman stated. " What do you mean 'unique'? " Carisma asked with attitude. " I don't know what exactly makes you girls unique, but you are. And I've seen some of your work. " Slenderman answered. " And I do want to apologize for some of my residents behavior towards you girls. Long story short, now that you all know of our existence, you'll have to live here from now on or die. " Slenderman continued. " WHAT?! " Carisma and Alisha busted out in outrage. " You girls are unique in many ways and could be of good use to us. I also see great potential. Do you girls have any questions? " We all looked at each other. I stood up and walked over to Slenderman, pulling up my sleeve hesitantly, I showed him the symbol on my wrist. " Do you happen to know what this is? " I asked holding out my wrist. Slenderman stood up and grabbed my wrist, somewhat shocked. " Where did your get this? " Slenderman asked in a calm yet serious tone. " We don't know where we got them, they just burned themselves into our skin. " I answered. " You all have them!? " Slenderman sounded astonished as Carisma, Alisha, and Yvanna pulled up their sleeves and removed their bandages to allow Slenderman to see. " This symbol means you're my proxy, but it's impossible for there to be four new ones. " Slenderman let go of my wrist and took his seat. " What does that mean? " Yvanna asked tilting her head. " A proxy is a person who helps me defend this realm of living from a being known only as Zalgo. You girls have to live here, being a proxy puts you and your whole families at risk, so it is imperative that you stay here. And you may not tell your position as a proxy to anyone outside of this home. " Slenderman finished. " Do we at least get to pack our things? " Yvanna put her hands on her hips. " Yes, you may, but you must have an escort. " Slenderman said. " Hoodie, Masky, and Toby come in please. " the office door opened and in walked the trio.

Slenderman turned his attention to the trio. " Take them to their respective homes to gather some of their belongings. " Slenderman ordered. The trio nodded in compliance and walked out of Slenderman's office, we followed. Just before I got out the door, I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder. " I also wanted to apologize for my younger brother last night, Brooke. " I nodded in response and he let go of my shoulder.

We all walked through the woods in an awkward silence. " We're sor - sorry about drugging y - you girls. " Toby said as he stuttered and ticked. " Slenderman wanted you girls. " Hoodie spoke up. " Yeah, we're sorry. " Masky apologized. " It's fine. " I reluctantly accepted their apologies. " It's okay. " Alisha chimed in. " It's cool. " Yvanna said. " Whatever. " Carisma growled. " So, I hear you guys are proxies too? " Masky said putting his hands in his jacket pockets. " Yeah, we're proxies. I don't know exactly WHAT a proxy is, but yeah, I guess. " I said flatly as we continued to walk through the woods. I could hear cars moving in the distance and I sighed, looking up at the dark sky.

- Time Skip -

We came to the edge of the woods and stopped. " So, who's house is closest? " Hoodie asked in a monotone voice. " Mine. " I said lifting my hand in the air. Hoodie nodded and I lead the way.

The walk to my house was only about ten minutes.

We made it to my back door and I opened it. We all walked inside, Carisma, Alisha, and Yvanna sat on the couch while Hoodie, Masky, and Toby stood by the back door. I jogged up the stairs and into my bedroom to pack my things. I grabbed my black and brown backpack and began to pack my clothes, besides my clothes, I packed a picture of my family, my sketch book, laptop, and my Polaroid camera. I went over to my bed to grab my phone charger, instead I was met with Eclipse jumping out from under my blue blanket. " Damn, you scared me. " I said as I picked up the small mountain lion, she's got weight to her that's for sure. I took one last look around my room before heading back downstairs with Eclipse in hand.

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