Chapter 43

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- Brooke's POV -

Carisma scowled and I giggled as the teacups slowly started to dance around each other in synchronization. I smiled deviously and grabbed the disc in the middle of us. I pushed as hard as I could and the teacup slowly spun around. Wow this is lame. Carisma let out a sigh of relief and leaned back to enjoy the breeze. " Max give me a hand. " I stared at the tall girl.

Sure thing! Hold on, tight.

" MAX DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE! " Carisma screamed as she clung to the sides of the teacup for dear life. I watched as the disc in the center of the teacup began to turn slowly and quickly get faster. Carisma screamed curses left and right as she flailed around in panic. I giggled as I watched Carisma lose her cool and having exhausted all her options, she started crying out for her mom.

The ride started to slow down and Carisma scrambled to get out of the teacup as fast as she possibly could. Carisma took three steps and started to sway from the dizziness. Destiney and Owen laughed at the scene that unfolded before them. Carisma attempted to run at me, but I side stepped her and she landed on the dirt, defeated. Destiney and Alisha leaned over a disoriented Carisma and laughed. Groaning, Carisma rolled onto her side and pushed herself up. " I hate you all. " Carisma deadpanned as she glared daggers at us. " Love you too. " I sang as I spun around on my heels to walk away. Owen helped Carisma up and followed after me.

- Time Skip -

After about an hour of riding various rides and losing multiple games to Destiney and Carisma, we went to get something to eat. We debated multiple concession stands and seeing as we all couldn't settle on one place, we split up. Destiney and I went over to one concession stand that had a big picture of a funnel cake and ice cream plasters on the side. I was simple and ordered a big thing of French fries. I turned to Destiney to ask what she wanted, but what I saw was her drooling over the funnel cake picture. I haven't seen her like this since she saw the Broadway musical, Hamilton live.

I snickered and turned back to the cashier. " And a funnel cake. " I said happily as I retrieved my money. " What kind of funnel cake? " the cashier asked with a smile. I looked back at Destiney, who hadn't taken her eyes off the picture. " Whatever is on the picture. " I pointed to the picture Destiney gawked at. The cashier nodded as she totaled the amount I owed. " Fifteen dollars and five cents. Can I have your name? " I handed her all my money, twenty dollars. " My name is Brooke. " I said as the cashier gave me back my change and I waited for our food.

A few minutes went by and I heard someone call out my name. " Brooke?! " I walked over to the opposite side and grabbed my French fries, I saw the funnel cake and marveled at it.

That right there, is a work of art.

" No kidding. " I stared at the beauty that was before me, a funnel cake bigger than my head with vanilla ice cream and strawberry sauce on top. " Destiney! " I didn't take my gaze off its magnificence. Destiney came over and her eyes widened with delight. She grabbed the funnel cake and a smile so big spread across her face that Jeff and Smile would be jealous.

Destiney and I met our other friends at a table and they all stared at the funnel cake. Destiney snapped out of her gaze and held the cake close to her chest. " It's MINE. " Destiney said defensively, almost as if she were a mother protecting her young.

I finished my platter of French fries and eyeballed the funnel cake that Destiney was eating. I caught Alisha's stare and we started making hand motions. She wanted me to ambush Destiney's funnel cake. Alisha grunted and waited a moment before lunging at the fried batter.
While Destiney tried to hold Alisha off, everyone took the opportunity to steal some of the cake, including myself. I sunk my teeth into the fried, ice cream, and strawberry covered batter and felt my senses tingle. It was heaven in my mouth.

So, how is it?!

Max asked intrigued. I murmured through my full mouth and smiled at the amazing flavors. I popped the other piece I had into my mouth and savored every second of it. Destiney didn't look too happy when I came back to my senses. I stifled a wry laugh and scooted away. Owen laughed. I pulled out my phone to check the time. Its 7:53 at night. " Hey, let's start heading home. " I said as I stood up and adjusted my backpack. " Okay. Hey Dessy let me have your car keys. " Owen called Destiney by her nick name. Destiney tossed Owen her car keys, which were decorated with an abundance of video game and anime key chains.

We made it to the makeshift parking lot. I crammed into the back seat with Yvanna and Alisha while Carisma hopped into the bed of the old truck. Owen started the car and the engine roared to life. Putting the car in drive, Owen eased his foot on the gas, but instead of the car moving with ease, we barely went anywhere. Cursing, Destiney got out of her car and examined the problem.

A few seconds went by before I heard Destiney again. " FUCK! " Destiney screamed angrily. Curious, I got out of the car and looked at the problem. All the tires had been slashed. As I continued to look over the tires, my eye caught notice of a small piece of paper taped to one of the tires. I plucked it off and unfolded it.

" He comes to bedsides, icy bridges, battlefronts, and crumbling ridges. When he comes, he comes alone, taps a shoulder, then is gone. " read the note. The penmen ship was sloppy, like it was wrote in a hurry.

What the hell?

Max asked bitterly. " I dunno... " I whispered as I examined the note. Destiney and Owen were too busy screaming about the car to notice me or the piece of paper. I folded the paper back up and stuck it into my pocket.

It's a riddle. Do you have any clue about what it means?

" Not even the slightest clue Max. " I replied as I continued to watch Destiney flip out.

- Carisma's POV -

I watched from the bed of the truck as Destiney lost her cool. I laughed and sat back. I stared up at the stars and smiled at the peaceful sight.

About twenty or so minutes went by before a tow truck came. Owen must have called. I hopped out of the back of the old truck and sighed. An idea came to mind and I pulled out my phone. " Hey guys we're going to take an Uber home. You guys going to be okay? " Owen asked with a small smile. " Yeah, we'll be fine. " Yvanna smiled. " Okay. See you guys later. " Owen and Destiney waved before walking over to the Uber that had pulled up. I turned my attention back to my phone and clicked Ben's contact. I called the blond elf and he picked up after only one ring. " Heya Carisma! " Ben sounded happily. " Hey elf, we sorta need a ride home from the carnival. " I said as I put my metal hand on my hip. " Leave it to me! I'll bring around the SUBARU! " Ben hung up the phone and I face palmed at Ben's idiocy.

No more than five minutes passed by before Ben came barreling out of nowhere. " GET ON IN LADIES! " Ben hollered. Brooke put her fingers on the bridge of her nose and got up front. I sat by the window while Alisha was in the middle.

We arrived home soon after. " Thanks Ben. " I turned to walk away from the car. " No. Thank you. " and with that Ben drove off. I laughed and went inside. I left my shoes by the front door and made my way upstairs.

I walked into my dark room and flipped the lights on. All seemed to be as normal as it has been until I spotted my bedside table. Confused, I walked over and found a bunch of multicolored hard candies. I popped an orange one into my mouth and jumped onto my bed.

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