Chapter 44

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- Brookes POV -

My dad came into my room and switched my overhead light on. " Get ready for school. " my dad ordered as he walked out, not bothering to shut my bedroom door behind him. I rolled onto my back in a groggy daze and stared up at my ceiling. My uniform was sprawled out on my bed, hinting that my dad had tossed it onto me when he came in to wake me up.

You crashed as soon as you got home last night.

I took in what Max said and looked down at myself. He was right, seeing that I was still in my skinny jeans and hoodie. I threw myself out of bed and stumbled over to the bathroom. I got undressed as fast as I could and jumped into the shower. I yelped at the cold water that hit my back and grabbed the shampoo bottle. I squeezed some into my hand and brought it to my head. As I ran my hands through my long hair, some vanilla scented shampoo found its way into my eye. I cursed viciously and batted water at my eye.

You okay Brooke?

" Fuck off voice. " I hissed as I held a towel to my burning eye. My eye began to water and the burning eased up a little, but it still hurt.

Why does this not surprise me?

Max tried to conceal his laughter. I growled under my breath and left the bathroom to put my school uniform on.

I finished getting ready and looked in the mirror. And to no surprise, my eye was red and watering while my other one was perfectly fine. I pouted at the sight and Max couldn't hold it any longer. Max busted out into hysterical laughter and I continued to pout in the mirror. Yep, this is my life. Going to school with a burning eye, a voice in my head, wet hair, and a demon overlord who wants me dead. Yep! Totally normal!

" BROOKE! " Carisma screamed from downstairs, I grabbed my tattered bag, swung it over my shoulder, and bolted downstairs.

Almost slipping down the wood stairs, I met Carisma at the bottom. " I'm here! " I glanced around. Alisha chuckled at my outburst of a response and motioned for us to leave. " Bye dad! Love you! " I hollered as I made my way out front.

Locking the front door behind me, we all started our walk to school as I pocketed my old house keys.

Nina parted with us as usual and we continued to walk and talk about topics that popped up at random. Walking to school with my four best friends almost makes it seem like nothing has changed. Like everything is normal again. I miss normal. 

I snapped out of my trance and noticed the school gate before me. Groaning, I shuffled in and glanced around at the tall oak trees that surrounded the school. I pulled my phone out of my bag and checked the time, 8:45. " We still have fifteen minutes before classes start. " I said as I slid my phone back into my bag. Alisha smiled and we all walked into the hallway. Everything went silent. I was starting to like that everyone and everything stopped in our presence. It made me feel powerful, despite my really short stature. 

Fifteen short minutes later, the bell rang and we all headed to our respected first periods of the day.

- Time Skip -

The school day finished up as normal and we all met up to head to the car pull to be picked up by the blond elf that really shouldn't be driving in the first place.

As I expected, angry screams and car horns filled the air as Ben came speeding into the car pull. " Get in loser we're going shopping! " I face palmed at Ben's stupidity and reluctantly got in the car as everyone watched us.

The short car ride back to my house was silent. Carisma nearly passed out in the back seat as Alisha played a game on her phone and Yvanna gazed out the window at the passing surroundings.  

Pretty As A Proxy (Creepypasta x OCs)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant