Chapter 29

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- Yvanna's POV -

I sat on the couch talking to Alisha about random things when a loud thud sounded from upstairs. Alisha and I exchanged curious glances and went to go upstairs. " OH! Someone's going at it! " Ben snickered and Alisha smacked the elf upside the head.

Alisha and I made our way upstairs and down the long hallway. Carisma came walking out of her bedroom, Brooke cradled in her arms and I noticed something a little off about Brooke. She's missing her cast and the bandage on her collar. " What the hell happened?! " Alisha erupted into panic as she ran up to Brooke and scanned her over with her deep brown eyes. " She had this master plan to use her healing hands on herself. " Carisma explained. " It worked. " Brooke retorted weakly. Carisma stepped aside of us and continued to make her way down stairs. Alisha and I followed not far behind.

Stepping off the last step, Ben caught notice of Carisma carrying Brooke in her arms and paused his game, making his way towards the four of us. " What happened now? " Ben asked curiously peeking over Alisha's shoulder. " She used all her energy using her healing hands. " Alisha answered Ben.

Walking into the makeshift clinic, Carisma set Brooke onto one of the many beds and sighed tiredly. " I'll go get Slender. " Ben stated before walking out of the room. Leaving the four of us to be together. There was a small knock on the door frame and I craned my head around to see who it was. Nina leaned against the door frame, arms crossed over her chest. " What did she do now? " Nina asked casually. " She wasted all her energy using her healing hands. " I stated. " Shocker. " Nina walked over to where Brooke was laying and leaned over to face her. Nina may be younger than Brooke, but she's defiantly taller. " Idiot. " Nina said bluntly. " Go to hell... " Brooke growled weakly. Laughing, Nina stood up straight and sat on the edge of the neighboring bed.

We sat for a few moments in silence before Slenderman and Ben came walking in. Slenderman studied Brooke for a moment before lifting her previously broken leg. Brooke didn't flinch nor did she make a sound. " I'm impressed. " Slenderman stated. " It was stupid of her. " Carisma commented. Slenderman ignored the comment and set Brooke's leg back down. " Now it won't take as long to get you all moved. " I felt my heart stop and everything seemed to become still when I heard Slenderman's words. " WHAT!? " Alisha erupted into anger. " Slenderman turned to stare at Brooke. " I thought I told you to tell them. " Brooke shifted her gaze to the floor and sighed in guilt. " Fine. I guess I'll tell them. " Slenderman stated sternly as he turned to face the four of us. " Zalgo knows that you four, including Nina, " Slenderman gestured to Nina. " are staying here and I can't risk losing my new proxies. So, it's best for you all to leave the mansion. You'll still get to see us, because you all need different types of training. " Slenderman finished explaining and I could feel a lump in my throat start to form and my eyes become hot. Blinking back angry tears, I let out a shaky breath. Nina kept the same bored look on her face, not seemingly affected by the news. Alisha and Carisma looked pissed while Brooke had a look of guilt painted onto her ashen face.

Slenderman left and as did Nina. " This sucks balls! I won't have anyone to tease or play games with. All I have is the smiling duo. " Ben whined. At the mention of Jeff Alisha tensed up and hung her head. I stared at Brooke and she caught my gaze. " How long have you been waiting to tell us?! " I asked harshly. " Two days... " Brooke answered quietly. How's Toby going to react to this? I can't just leave him like that.

- Brooke's POV -

I should have told them... I didn't want them to find out this way. Jack and Ben know, but the others don't. Nina wasn't affected by the news at all, she's more than likely happy to leave. I don't want to leave either, but I know the longer we stay here the more attached we'll get and then it'll be even harder to leave. That's why I healed my leg.

You made the right decision.

" I don't know Max... " I whispered under my breath to the voice in my head. Rolling onto my side, my hand hit the top of something furry. Eclipse licked my hand and nuzzled into it. A small smile played its way onto my lips and I stroked the half corrupted cat's head. Eclipse licked my hand one last time before walking over to Alisha and sitting at her feet obediently.

I attempted to sit up with the little strength I regenerated and succeeded in my task. Though, I was light headed, I sat up and glanced around the room. Collecting myself and gathering up my strength, I turned and stood up, using the bed for support. I shuffled my way out of the clinic and over to the stairs. I stared up dreadfully at the numerous amounts of stairs. Groaning, I slowly yet surely made my way up the stairs, pausing every few steps to rest.

Easy, I don't want you to get hurt or collapse again.

I took Max's advice and went at a slower pace. " I should've waited with the healing hands. "

Yes, you should have. Look at the bright side, we can leave sooner and you can see your dad again.

" Don't remind me. " I got to the last step and leaned against the wall. Man, how much of my energy could healing hands POSSIBLY take?! Taking in a deep breath, I pushed myself off the wall and began down the hallway. I'm surprised I haven't collapsed yet considering my lack of energy.

When do you think we'll leave?

I thought about Max's question for a brief second before answering. " I... I don't know Max. I just hope the others aren't to upset with me. " I stated through heavy, hitched breaths. Max was silent.

Slenderman said something about you all needing different kinds of training. What do you think he means by that?

I honestly don't know what he meant by that. I wonder what kind of training I need. " I have no clue Max. " I stopped to breath.

Hm. I wounder if you'll get taught magic.

" I don't think I'll get taught that. They haven't worked with me once, all I've done is watch. " I stated as I grabbed the door knob to my bedroom door. " I'll start to gather some of my things tomorrow... " I opened my bedroom door and was met with darkness. Flipping on the lights, I wobbled in and shut the door behind me. I flopped down onto my bed and pulled the big, blue blanket over my small, ashen body. Not bothering to shower or change clothes, Max was the last voice I heard before passing out.


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