Chapter 35

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- Brooke's POV -

I rolled over a little too much and fell onto the floor with a loud, painful thud.

You okay?

I grunted in response to Max's question and he laughed. I pushed myself up off the ground and stretched tiredly.

Your dad is making breakfast. Alisha is already awake.

" Okay... " I balanced myself and began to make my way out of my dark room. I was nearly blinded by the light from the hallway and instinctively covered my eyes.

To bright for you sleeping beauty?

Max asked sarcastically. " Shut up Max. " I spat and he snickered. My eyes soon adjusted to the light and I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen.

Alisha sat at the island eating some eggs and toast. " Good morning sweetheart. " my dad greeted me. " G' morning. " I replied as I climbed onto a bar stool. " Are you hungry? " my dad asked as he continued to fry an egg. " Yeah. " I leaned on the counter top and yawned.

That was a stupid question.

I chuckled at Max's comment. " Yes, it was. " I said aloud. My dad didn't seem to question why I was seemingly talking to myself. The usual. I smiled, remembering all the mornings my dad cooked breakfast before school. My favorite memory though, was when I was just entering the fifth grade and I was late for the first day of school. My dad dropped the eggs and burned the toast. He didn't bother to clean the eggs or the toast up because I was so late. In the end, I got to school late and everyone stared at me. My best friend at the time was a little boy named Liu or something that started with a 'L'. I don't remember him well, he stopped coming to school and so did his older brother, who was two years ahead of us at the time. I can never remember his older brothers name though.

I was snapped back to reality by my dads voice calling my name. " Brooke? " my dad didn't take his eyes off the egg that was cooking. The sudden scent of bacon cooking rolled over me and I heard the sizzling coming from the stove. " Yes? " I asked as I stared at the cooking bacon. " What do you want to eat? " my dad looked back at me. " Just toast and bacon. " I replied happily. I hate eggs.

Sounds good.

Max commented. " Oh it is! " I beamed loudly and once again my dad didn't question my random speech. It confused me, but I pushed it aside. A sudden thought popped into mind and I turned to my dad. " Will we be going back to school? " I questioned. My dad grabbed the butter out of the fridge and set it on the counter, then turned to face me. " Yes. You all have been reported found so you all are going to have to go the police station with me later to be questioned. " my dad stated as he smiled and he continued to speak." Just make sure nobody finds out about what you did. " my dad said with a grim tone. " Wait. You know!? " I nearly jumped over the island. " I know you a lot better than you think Brooke. " my dad opened the butter and began to butter the toast that just got done toasting. " Your grandma was a proxy, so it's to be expected that you're like her. It skipped over me because I was adopted suddenly. " I stared blankly at my dad as the new information processed in my mind. Alisha looked completely unphased by what she had just heard and I rolled my eyes. 

Well this would explain why YOU'RE a proxy.

" No kidding... " I replied to Max in disbelief. My dad handed me my plate of food and wiped his hands off with a rag. " And yes, I know about Max too. He was with my mother too. " my dad smiled at me. " AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME MAX?! " I shouted through a full mouth of toast.

Um... I didn't know how to tell you. Sorry?

Max said sheepishly. " Why didn't you just try " Oh. Hey Brooke, I was friends with your grandma! " instead of not telling me at all?! " I slammed my fist onto the counter and my dad chuckled at my anger. " IT'S NOT FUNNY! " I hollered. Both Alisha and my dad laughed as I fumed with anger. I guess all my yelling woke the others up, because everyone who was once asleep came walking into the kitchen with an annoyed expression, especially Nina.

Good going dumbass.

" Shut up Max. " I huffed. I finished my food and handed my dad my plate. My dad took Alisha's plate as well and set them both into the sink to be washed later on. Carisma, Yvanna, and Nina took a seat at the dining table and told my dad what they wanted to eat. Carisma said she wanted everything, as usual. Nina only wanted eggs and Yvanna didn't want anything. My dad started to cook their breakfast and turned to face the three sitting at the dining table once he dropped the toast into the toaster. " By the way, I reported you all found to the authorities. " Nina almost fell out of her chair after hearing the news. " What? " Nina asked slightly confused. " You've all been reported found, so we'll be going to the police station later for questioning. " our dad explained to us as the toast popped up. Grabbing the toast, he set it down to put butter on the hot bread, but stopped abruptly and looked at all of us. " I'm going to need you all to lie to the police. " my dad's voice was stern. " Why? " Nina asked. " Because, if they get word that I have four people marked with the proxy symbol, the S.C.P. foundation will come after us. Plus the police work with the S.C.P. foundation so there's no use in telling them. " explained our dad. We all agreed and my dad resumed cooking. From the stove my dad said. " Plus I don't want my two oldest daughters and the protectors of this realm to be taken, tested on, and killed. " my dad finished making Carisma's food and set it in front of her. Carisma wasted no time in tearing the food apart. My dad soon finished making my sisters simple meal of only eggs and gave them to her.

Alisha had headed to the living room to play with Eclipse and Yvanna fell asleep at the dining table. None of us had the decency to wake her up so she sat with her head flat on the wooden table, asleep. My dad suggested walking to the park and we all agreed. We all made our way upstairs to get ready and Nina had to borrow some of my clothes, because she had none of her own.

I gave Nina some dark blue skinny jeans, my old black converse, a grey t - shirt and her old Call of Duty jacket that I had taken a while back. I settled on navy blue skinny jeans, a black long sleeved shirt, and my knee high lace up combat boots that I had got last Christmas. Nina and I finished getting ready and I grabbed my black and brown backpack on my way out of my room. We made our way downstairs to wait with our dad for the others to get ready.

The others came down a few minutes later and we all made our way outside. My dad locked the front door and we were off.

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