Chapter 5

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- Carisma's POV -

Brooke's eyes were wider than ever before. I don't know why, but in a strange way it scared me. It felt great to finally give Alex what she's had coming for so long, I've always hated her. Brooke lost it. I saw her snap. She just let go. Alisha and Yvanna laughed at the whole scene until they saw Brooke's state of being and jumped in to help.

- Time Skip -

Now, I stand with Alisha and Yvanna outside the tall school gates waiting for Brooke. I looked down at my hand, my knuckles were bloody and bruised. I'm so tired, both mentally and physically. There's been so many weird things happening over the past week, I've barely got any sleep. I pulled out my phone and punched in my password. I opened up Brooke's contact, that was appropriately nicknamed 'Brookie', and began to text her.

Carisma: Brooke are you okay? We're waiting out front for you, let's ditch.

I knew she read my texts because she came walking out of school with her head down, staring at her small feet. Alisha, Yvanna, and I ran up to her and engulfed her in a strong hug.

"Why're you guys hugging me?" Brooke asked in confusion as she pulled away to look at us, studying our faces.

"Aren't you upset?" Alisha asked as she pulled her head out of Brooke's neck.

"Why would I be? I'm pretty satisfied, just a little angry that you guys pulled me off her." Brooke said as she snickered, pale face bruised. 

I continued to hug Brooke even after Alisha and Yvanna let go of her, I leaned in close to her ear and whispered. "I have a plan." Brooke grinned and I let go of her small, yet curvy figure. 

"So, are 'ya guys going trick or treating?" Yvanna asked, hand on hip.

"I forgot tomorrow was Halloween, plus I haven't gone in years. Just not my thing." I stated as I looked over to Yvanna.

"Really?!" Alisha gasped.

"We weren't going to go trick or treating anyways." Brooke said as she typed away at her phone.

"What're you doing?" Alisha asked leaning over Brooke's shoulder curiously.

"Alex and Becca posted pictures of them selves on Instagram saying that I attacked them and now I'm being threatened with death threats from others girls and followers of hers." Brooke groaned in annoyance as she continued to type.

"Well, what are you typing?" I questioned.

"Just give it a sec - done." Brooke said as she turned her phone off and put it back in her backpack.

"What did you do?" Yvanna asked in confusion.

Brooke panned her vision over the the short haired girl. "I deleted my account on Instagram." Brooke smiled. Her pale face had been covered with small cuts and bruises, there was also some dried blood in her hair. It's a good thing she's not a neat freak or germophobe.

"We need to get you two cleaned up." Alisha said as she pulled out her phone.

"What're you doing?" Brooke inquired as she adjusted the straps of her backpack.

"I'm asking my mom if she's at work, and it looks like she is." Alisha said as she held up her phone for us to look at. "To my house!" Alisha began to walk away and we followed.

- Time Skip -

We got to Alisha's house and she unlocked the front door. We were greeted by her cat, Skittle. Alisha picked up her small white cat and we went to her living room. "You guys can put your things in here." Alisha said as she walked upstairs. We put all our things down and followed after Alisha upstairs. I found her in the bathroom getting the first-aid kit and setting it down on the side of the bathtub. Brooke and Yvanna walked in soon after, Brooke and I sat on the rim of the bathtub, so Alisha and Yvanna could clean us up.

- Alisha's POV -

Brooke had some superficial cuts and bruises, nothing too major. Carisma on the other hand, might need stitches for the cut on her left cheek. I got to work on Brooke while Yvanna took to Carisma. I used a wet rag to wipe away the left over blood, after I got done with that, I pulled out the peroxide and dabbed it on the rag, Brooke winced at the touch of the rag, but quickly calmed. I got her all cleaned up and Brooke went to go wash her hands and nails, which had some dried blood on them as well.

- Yvanna's POV -

Carisma was in bad shape, Alex got her good across the face with her acrylic nails. I wiped down her face with a wet rag to remove any left over blood. Going over the deep dash on her face, Carisma hissed. The gash continued to lightly bleed, so I had her hold the rag over it while I looked for the needle and thread in the first-aid kit. I found it and pulled them out as I heard Carisma groan. I threaded the needle and went back over to Carisma. "Ready?" I asked as I took the rag away.

"No." Carisma said bluntly and Brooke snickered.

"Too bad." I said as I tilted Carisma's head back and did the first stitch, Carisma cursed violently the entire time and I struggled to keep her still. We'd go to a hospital, but that would require us to tell our parents and we don't want that. As I finished the last stitch, Carisma let out a big sigh of relief. We walked down stairs where Brooke and Alisha were sitting on the couch in silence.

- Carisma's POV -

My cheek hurt, but I could deal with it. I don't know how to explain it to my parents though. Yvanna and I walked over to where Brooke and Alisha were and we sat down. It was silent for a few seconds until I spoke up. "Oh, Brooke I meant to tell you something the other day, but I didn't get around to doing it." I said as I leaned back onto the couch.

"Same, I meant to tell you something too." Brooke said as she looked over at me.

"SAME!" Alisha and Yvanna exclaimed in unison.

"So, the other night when I walked home from McDonald's, I was listening to my music and it stopped and then it started to play backwards. Then, when I got home every TV and computer in the house started to blare this intense static. Then, this boy that looked like Link started to crawl out of my TV! He kept saying things like 'you shouldn't have done that.' and 'you've met with a terrible fate haven't you?' and right before it all stopped he said 'BEN is getting lonely.'." I explained. Brooke was quiet while Alisha and Yvanna were wide-eyed. Brooke didn't comment on what I said and began to tell her story.

"Well, when I got home I went to bed and woke up in the middle of the night because I felt someone staring at me. I rolled over and I saw this guy standing over me, he had leathery paper white skin, black scruffy hair, and this ear to ear carved smile. He had a knife to my throat and said something like 'go to sleep' I panicked and tackled him, then he jumped out the second story window and ran off into the woods." Brooke said as she looked behind her and out the window. Nobody commented.

"So, Alisha and I were babysitting the neighbors two kids and they came inside and said that a clown and little girl had given them candy. So, of course we went outside to check and we saw a tall, thin, monochrome clown and holding his hand was a little girl with a pink dress, long curly brown hair, green eyes, and blood seeping from her head. They tried to kill us and almost succeeded!" Yvanna exclaimed as she looked over her shoulder and at Alisha, who nodded. I was about to say something when I caught Brooke staring out the window very intently. I scooted over to her and looked out the window, there in the woods was the tall man watching us again. Alisha and Yvanna joined us and went pale when they saw the tall man.

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