Chapter 3

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- Carisma's POV -

I continued my slow walk back home, listening to my music as my feet carried me. I came to my drawn-out street and my music stopped mid song. Confused, I pulled the small device out of my pocket and turned it on, my music was still playing, but I couldn't hear it, almost like it was mute. I unplugged my earbuds and plugged them back in. Hitting the 'play' button on my music it started to play backwards. Alarmed, I just turned my music off all together and pocketed my phone and earbuds. I continued to walk up my street and my phone started to vibrate intensely, like someone was calling me. I, once again, pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked it, there was nobody calling me or messaging me. Then, the vibrating stopped. Pocketing the phone once more, I resumed walking.

After about fifteen more minutes of walking, I reached my house and went inside, being sure to lock the front door behind me. Mom wasn't home, she must have gone to work or out with her friends, but knowing my mother she's probably working another graveyard shift. And my siblings weren't home either which was weird because there's school tomorrow. Shrugging it off, I walked into the living room and sat on the couch as I inspected my phone. There was nothing visibly wrong with it and it's not like I'm about to rip my phone apart searching for a problem I can't fix myself. I took one last look over the phone and out of nowhere the device started to blare static, I instinctively dropped my phone to cover my ears. Grabbing the blaring phone, I hastily ripped the battery out, but it was no use, it still blared ear piercing static. Then, the TV started to blare static as well as every other TV and computer in the house. I covered my ears and screamed, trying to block out the scratchy, mind numbing noise. I uncovered my ears for a brief second and heard a person's voice echo through the house.

"You've met with a terrible fate haven't you?" I looked up to the TV and saw a thin boy start to crawl out of the screen, much like Samara from 'The Ring'. He looked like Link from 'The Legend Of Zelda' except his eyes, which were a constant deep shade of black with red pupils. The odd coloration was accompanied by thick blood leaking from the sockets, he didn't even looked fazed by the bleeding. I scrambled over to the TV and turned the power switch off and the blonde boy was gone. I then sprinted to my dad's office and saw him coming through the computer screen, I did the same thing; I turned off the power switch. I then heard the boys voice coming from upstairs. "You shouldn't have done that..." I bolted as quickly as my legs could carry me up the stairs and into my room, where I saw him almost all the way out of my laptop. I rushed over to my laptop. The Link impostor grabbed my arm with inhuman strength and I let out a shrill cry as I ripped the battery. All through the house I head him say. "BEN is getting lonely..." before all the static stopped and everything went silent. I dropped onto my bed and started to laugh out of sheer panic. I needed to tell Brooke about this. I rushed down stairs and grabbed my phone. I shoved the battery back in, I turned around to go back upstairs, but froze as I saw a message in red on my TV. "YOU LET ME DROWN!" and then the message disappeared. I attempted to turn my phone on, but it wouldn't come on. I didn't get any sleep that night.

- Alisha's POV -

Yvanna and I have been babysitting these two kids all day, seven year old Brian and six year old Alex. I was lounging on the couch with Yvanna playing video games while Alex and Brian played in the front yard.

"ALISHA, YVANNA!" Brian and Alex called out our names in unison as they scampered inside. Yvanna paused our game and we looked over to Brian and Alex.

"What's up?" I asked as the little green eyed boy and girl ran up to us, bearing smiles.

"LOOK! The tall clown gave us candy!" Brian beamed with happiness as he pulled out the colorful hard candies. There were more black candies than colorful ones.

"YEAH! And the little girl is really nice too!" Alex exclaimed as she pointed outside. I glanced back at Yvanna and then back at the children as I furrowed my brow.

"What clown?" I asked sternly, my voice laced with concern. All Brian did was point to the ajar front door. I snatched the candy out of his hand and put in my pocket as I marched outside to see the clown and little girl they claimed to have interacted with. In the middle of the dark street, I saw a tall clown with inhumanly long arms and a little girl holding his hand. As they got closer to us, I saw that is wasn't just a clown, it was a monochrome clown, drained of all color and anything happy. He was tall, about seven feet or more I would say and skinny, his arms almost touched the ground. All this was accompanied by a long cone like nose, paper white skin, black scruffy hair that almost looked fake, and all he wore was black and white stripes, no color and the way he poised himself made him look like he was made of rubber and had no bones, like a rag doll almost. The little girl gave me a chill though. She looked to be about seven or eight, long curly brown hair, bright green eyes that reminded me of refined emeralds, a pastel pink dress, but that wasn't the scary part, she had blood seeping from her fore head, all the way down her face and torn dress. I shuddered at the fact that it didn't effect her. I was trembling at the sight of the clown, I've never been too fond of clowns or mimes. Yvanna came out and froze when she saw the crazy due. I went to go back inside, but the clown's arm shot out like a toy and grabbed me, holding me up high. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?!" I mustered up as much bravery as I could, but I'm sure he could hear the tremble in my voice.

"I want to be special  friends." The clown's voice was deep and menacing with a hint of sadistic playfulness, but his laugh was high and scratchy, like someone who had been smoking for decades. The clown began to dig his sharp, elongated black nails into my side, not enough to actually pierce my skin, but enough to cause pain. I screamed in agony, but the clown only laughed at my pain. Yvanna ran back inside and came back with a knife, she threw it at the clowns shoulder. The clown laughed and dropped me in the grass. I held my side as tears cascaded down my face. Then, the little girl proceeded to come up to me.

"Do you want to play?" it sounded so innocent, but I knew it meant something sinister, so I cursed at her, tears still pouring from my brown eyes. The little girl giggled in my face and drew a small, rusted knife from behind her back and lunged at me. I dodged, pinned her, and was able to get the knife. She was a lot stronger and faster than any other child I had ever seen. Kicking me off with force, she jumped onto my back and scratched my neck repeatedly, like a stray cat.

- Yvanna's POV -

I saw Alisha and the little girl wrestling out of the corner of my eye, but paid no mind to them, I was focused on the crazed clown. He stood before me and yanked the small knife out of his shoulder. He threw it back at me, but I barely dodged it and pulled it out of the dirt. I ran at the clown and he swiped at me with his long sharp nails, I dodged almost all of them, but one got my face, leaving a big cut on my cheek. I stabbed the knife into his knee cap and he toppled over like a toy, I then proceeded to jump onto his chest and jam the knife into his throat and I smirked in short lived triumph, but he wasn't dead. The monochrome clown just laughed as he teleported over to the little girl and picked her up. They both disappeared in cloud of black smoke and laughter. I took this moment to run over to Alisha and help her inside, where Brian and Alex were. I cleaned and bandaged her wounds as well as my own. I went to go lock the front door, but just as I was about to, in the distance I saw the little girl holding a teddy bear and wave with a sadistic grin before sprinting off into the woods. I was about to call the police, but I don't think they'd believe me if I told them that an seven foot clown and little girl attacked us then disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

Brian and Alex's mother eventually came to get her kids, leaving Alisha and I to be alone.

Pretty As A Proxy (Creepypasta x OCs)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن