Chapter 47

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- Brooke's POV -

I sat up with the feeling of someone staring at me.

Looking to the foot of my bed, I found Alisha staring back at me with black eyes and a sharp toothed smile.

Well that's not creepy at all.

I ignored Max. " Well good morning to you too... " I yawned as I stretched and climbed out of bed. " Have you been waiting for me to wake up to your stare? " I asked as I fumbled with my blanket. " Mhm! " Alisha mumbled a bit pleased. " You feeling any better? " I walked over to Alisha's side and stopped when I noticed her height. " Yeah, I feel great actually! Plus your dad said we don't have to go to school today! " Alisha stated happily. I scanned over Alisha's frame and gaped at what I saw. " What? " Alisha asked confused. " You're tall... " I pointed out in disbelief. " Oh. Yeah, the corruption made me a bit taller and stronger. " Alisha was a few inches taller than me now, I'm officially the shortest. I sighed and hung my head as I exited my room.

Haha short thang.

" Fuck off... " I spat as I descended the stairs and Alisha followed behind.

At least you don't have to go to school today.

" True, it would have been a half day anyways, all Wednesdays are half days. " I stepped off the last stair and I noticed the back door open and Jack missing. " Do you know where Jack is? " I turned to Alisha. " He said he was going to climb a tree. " Alisha answered as we walked into the kitchen to find my dad.

Climb a tree? I don't think physical activity is the best thing for him after last night.

" Good morning dad. " I said with a smile. My dad panned his vision over to me " Good morning honey. " My dad said with a tired smile as he spoke up again. " Alisha I've also pulled you out of school. We can't have you in a public place like that. " my dad gestured to Alisha's appearance.

Yeah, that would probably give us away a little.

" Ya' think? " I asked sarcastically as I crossed my arms over my full chest.

I trailed out of the kitchen and over to the backdoor. Peering out, I glanced around for Jack, but didn't see him anywhere in sight. Sighing, I stepped outside and walked over to the edge of the woods, looking for Jack in the tree's branches.

A few yards away I spotted Jack's blue mask and chuckled under my breath.

I think his dark colors only work for him at night.

" Hmph, yep. " I guess Jack heard my whispering and started scaling trees to come over to me.

" Hi Jack. " I stared up at the eyeless man. " Hey. " Jack jumped down from the tree and landed on his side as he cursed violently and growled in pain. " Maybe you shouldn't be jumping out of trees until your leg is completely healed. " I helped Jack up off the ground.

Jack and I took a few steps before Jack stopped abruptly and sniffed the air.

" Jeff, I smell blood, sweat, alcohol, and shame, so I know it's you. " Jack panned his head up to a tree behind us and sure enough, Jeff was perched. " They rest of the freak show will be here in an hour. I came to see Alisha early. " Jeff jumped down from the tree and landed perfectly.

Freak show? They must be wondering where their Clorox clown is.

I busted out into laughter at Max's comment and Jeff shot me an angry glare. " What the fuck is so funny bitch? " Jeff asked harshly. Before I could open my mouth to say anything, Jack spoke up. " Shut the fuck up Jeffery. " Jack growled. Jeff scoffed and walked passed us.

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