Chapter 55

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- Alisha's POV -

I laid in bed, in pain and hungry with an IV stuck in my arm. Dr.S had to extract as much corruption as he could.

He had to extract directly from the initial corruption wound, which happened to be on my neck. Dr.S would have gotten all of it, but some of it had already bonded with my DNA. He said that what's already bonded can't hurt me or corrupt me any further. I've been stuck with more needles in one day then I have my whole life. I haven't slept since we arrived yesterday.

Jack had to be strapped down to his bed because his hunger is overwhelming him. Jeff may hunt for him tonight, let's just hope he doesn't fuck it up.

I starred up at the ceiling in boredom and sighed.

Dr.S walked in and wrote something down on a clip board. " How are you feeling? " Dr.S asked me flatly. " I feel better, just a little sore from all the needles. " I said with a tiny smile. " Yeah. That's to be expected. " Dr.S walked over to my arm and slowly pulled off the tape that was holding my IV in place. " There is a bright side to all of this though. " the doctor spoke through his mask. He never takes that thing off. " And what's that? " I asked intrigued. " Now that it's bonded with your DNA successfully, you can't be corrupted anymore. " the doctor pulled the IV out of my arm without warning and I winced at the pain. He added another bandaid to my, already big, collection and starred at me. " That's good, I guess. " I said awkwardly. " Yeah. Well, you're free to move around now. Just dont push yourself. " Dr.S picked up his clip board and left the room just as quickly as he came. 

I sat up slowly and felt the tiny bruises from the needles all over my body ache.

I climbed out of bed and walked to a near by mirror.

My eyes are still black and my teeth are still sharp. I sighed and looked down at my body. I'm covered in bruises.

I slowly stumbled out of the room I've been in for the past day and a half and into the living room where I found Toby reading on the couch. " Oh, hey A - Alisha. " Toby stuttered. " Hey Toby. " I greeted back. " You all better? " Toby put his book aside for a moment. " In the long run, yes. " I smiled. " That's g - good! " Toby said happily. " Do you know where Jeff is? " I asked curiously. " He went o - out to get stuff for J - Jack. " Toby explained to as he brushed some hair out of his eyes. " Ah, I hope that calms Jack down a bit. " I took a seat on the chair that was beside the couch. " It will. " Toby continued his book.

I got up and walked into the kitchen to find something to eat.

Opening the fridge, I found some mixed fruit and hesitantly pulled it out. I stuck a piece in my mouth and it didn't taste horrible. Thank God I got my taste buds back.

I sat at the small table and nonchalantly popped fruit into my mouth.

I heard the front door open and I got up to see who it was.

Jeff, noticeably pissed off, stormed in with a small cooler across his chest. I stood in front of the stairs that led to the second story and watched Jeff rip the cooler off himself.

" Hey Jeff - " Jeff pushed me aside and I hit the railing with force. " Get outta my way. " Jeff stormed up stairs. I held my side it pain and sat down on the stairs. " Hey, are you o - okay? " Toby asked.

" Yeah... Just fine. " I made my way up stairs and into my room.

- Carisma's POV -

Blaire played with Eclipse as I sat on the couch in thought.

" Don't let him take my girls... "

Those words echoed in my head. " Girls. " I whispered to myself. " Blaire? " I grabbed the little girl's attention and Blaire starred at me. " Do you have a sister? " I asked. Blaire kept the same expression and nodded her head. " Her name is Charlotte. " Blaire said. " Where is she? " Brooke asked from the kitchen. " The house, hiding. " Blaire said. " Can you take us to the house? " Brooke asked in a stern voice. Blaire nodded, stood up, and gestured for us to follow her. " Let us get changed really quick. " I said as Brooke and I made out way up stairs.

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