Chapter 59

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- Yvanna's POV -

I stumbled out of bed in a groggy daze and made my way down stairs to find something to fill my empty stomach.

When I couldn't find anything in the fridge interesting, I groaned and made my way back up stairs to get dressed and go out.

I stumbled into my room and over to my dresser to find some somewhat decent clothes.

I slipped on some basic black leggings, a loose cream colored sweater, and my black converse. I grabbed my phone and snuck into Brooke's room for some money.

Brooke was curled up in bed fast asleep, so I went into the side pocket of her backpack and took twenty bucks and quickly got my ass out of there.

I trotted down the stairs and skipped out the front door.

I began walking and starred at my surroundings with a small smile.

- Time Skip -

I made my way into a little coffee shop and the scent of pastries and coffee greeted me at the door immediately. I smiled to myself and made my way over to the counter to order a drink and something to eliminate my hunger.

I waited for a few seconds before a tall man with curly blond hair rushed over to the counter awkwardly to take my order. " Hi! How can I help you? " the man asked with a crooked smile. " Can I have a large iced coffee and a chocolate chip muffin? " I asked as I went to retrieve my money from my pocket. " No problem. Fifteen dollars and twenty cents. " the man smiled as I handed him my money and waited for my change.

The blond haired man handed me back my change and I thanked him. " Just give me a moment. " the man walked back to get my drink and muffin and I waited patiently.

The man came back and handed me my drink and a small paper bag with the muffin inside. " Thank you. " I smiled. " You're welcome Miss. " he replied.

I took my drink and food and walked to the farthest seat away from the few people inside the small shop.

I sat down and popped my straw into my drink as well as taking my muffin out of the little paper bag. I took a sip of my drink and got the strange feeling of being watched.

Setting the drink aside, I looked around for the source of my feeling.

Across the dining room, a man in a white lab coat glanced up and down at me from his computer screen with a confused look on his face.

Without hesitation, I got up and left my stuff at the table to go see what this guy wanted.

" Can I help you? " I asked bluntly. The man pushed his glasses up nervously and shifted his gaze to me. " Um, n - no. " the brown eyed man stuttered nervously as he starred up at me.
As I studied the man a bit more,I noticed a badge on his coat.

I starred at it for a moment before realizing what it said.

" S.C.P. Foundation... " I muttered under my breath. " Excuse me? " the man's voice snapped me back to reality. " You work for the S.C.P. Foundation? " I blurted out abruptly. " W - well, not exactly. I'm an intern in training. " the black haired man said awkwardly. " How long have you been there? " I took a seat next to the man. " I've been there for a few weeks now. " the man kept looking up and down from his laptop. " Why would you want to work in that shit hole? " I asked bluntly. " Well, after those two girls escaped I wanted to look into it. " he said with an awkward look. " What do you know? " I asked sternly. " All I know thus far is that their names are Brooke and Nina Christensen, they escaped, and that their connected to the Slenderman. " the man explained as he typed something on his laptop. " Why do you want to know? Do you know them? " he asked as he turned to me. " I went to school with one of them. " I stated vaguely. Nearly knocking his laptop off the table, the man turned his chair to me abruptly. " My name is James Sullivan. Do you know anything else about these two girls? " James asked greatly intrigued. " No. I only know one from school. " I lied. James sighed " Damnit " and leaned back in his chair.

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