Chapter 45

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- Carisma's POV -

Jeff and I trailed off into the woods for whatever reason.

About a mile or so into the woods, we stopped at the edge of a fast moving river and Jeff turned to face me. " Jump across the wet rocks without slipping. If you slip, you start over, we'll do it all day if we have to. " Jeff ordered in an annoyed tone. I groaned and walked up to the edge of the river. I stood there staring down at the rushing water and wet rocks for an eternity. " Are you going to go or what?! " Jeff asked harshly. " Fuck you Jeffery. " I spat bitterly as I continued to stare down at the water. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jeff pull something shinny from his hoodie pocket. I knew what it was and jumped onto the first rock immediately. " Better. " Jeff said before sliding his blood stained knife back into his white hoodie pocket.

I stood on the wet rock and stared down at the rushing water whipping by my feet and getting my shoes wet. I took in a deep breath and jumped to the next rock. I almost lost my balance, but quickly regained it and started for the next rock.

Jeff watched with tired eyes while his arms were crossed over his chest in an unsatisfied manner. I jumped for the next rock, but my foot slid out from under me and I fell off the rock, hitting my back and going into the rushing water. I emerged, panicked. I struggled a bit to get out of the fast moving water, but managed to crawl out.

I stood up and stared down at myself. I'm soaked and cold. " Thanks for the help asshole. " I hissed sarcastically. " Hey, you did it to yourself, so I didn't need to help your pathetic ass. " Jeff spat back. Jeff motioned for me to go again and I groaned in annoyance.

I hopped onto the first rock with no effort and onto the second rock with little effort. As I stood on the second rock, staring at the third rock. A few moments of silence went by and I heard Jeff growl and start moving. I turned around just enough to see the smiling man start effortlessly crossing the first rock behind me. Adrenaline kicked in and I started sprinting across the rocks, almost losing my balance here and there, but never slipping.

I got to the last rock and Jeff was hot on my trail. I jumped the last rock and landed on the muddy ground. Turning to face the Clorox clown, I found him nowhere in sight. I looked all around me and there was still no sign of the crazed killer. Well this is great!

As I continued to glance around me, I heard a sinister chuckle come from above me. I froze and gazed up. To my surprise, Jeff was in a tree staring down at me. I glared daggers at Jeff and his smile widened, if that's even possible.

" What the hell are you doing? And how the hell did you get up there? " I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest. " Sitting. The hell does it look like? " Jeff answered as he continued to stare down at me with his never blinking eyes. Jeff jumped down from the tree and landed quietly. I didn't understand how he managed to be so quiet, but I guess he's being doing this a while. Right? " Practice is over for today. You're hopeless and pathetic. " Jeff stated as he began to walk back towards the house. I scoffed and followed after him.

- Alisha's POV -

Jack had been sitting in a near by tree while Slender was giving orders and took the initiative to scare the hell out of me when he jumped down.

" So, we're working on your reflexes? " Jack asked in a monotone voice. " Mhm. " I mumbled. Jack sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. I looked down at my shoes for a moment and next thing I know I was hit in the throat. I held my throat and gasped for air violently. " You really ARE slow. " Jack said frankly. I flipped Jack off and eventually was able to breath normally again, though my throat still hurt from where he hit me.

" WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?! " I hissed. " I was testing to see how fast your reflexes were. And from my observation, they're slow. " Jack answered in a monotone voice. I heard Eclipse clawing at the back door and I turned to see her. I suddenly remembered Jack and stuck my arm out, he hit me, but I surprisingly blocked his strike. " There you go. " Jack stated. I gave him a crooked smile and readied myself.

Jack was throwing random hits and kicks in every direction with no effort. I wasn't fighting him, I was just blocking. A little more than half of his kicks and punches landed their target on me, but the other small half of his attacks I blocked. It's a good starting point I suppose. I mean, Jack could kill me at this very moment if he really wanted.

Jack reeled his arm back for a punch and brought his fist barreling towards my face, but I slapped it away. Jack took this time to land a hard kick in my side. I hit the ground with force and held my aching side. " Practice is over. We'll continue later. " Jack stated as he put his hands into his hoodie pocket and walked away. I rolled onto my other side and noticed Carisma and Jeff coming from the woods. Carisma was soaking wet and Jeff looked unimpressed as usual.

Jeff took notice of me and walked over to where I was lying. " You okay? " Jeff asked slightly concerned. " Yeah. I'll be good as soon as I get a shower and go to bed. " I laughed through my pain. Jeff helped me off the ground and I got the sudden feeling of nausea.

- Brooke's POV -

Jack took a seat next to me on the swing and we sat in silence before Jack spoke up. " Is your cheek okay? " Jack asked without facing me. " Yeah. I'll heal it when I get inside. " I sighed as I continued to watch everything around me. " So, how have you - " I stopped mid sentence when I noticed Alisha fall back to her knees and Jeff start to panic. Both Jack and I got up and made our way over to Alisha and Jeff's side.

I bent down to Alisha " Are you okay? Can you - " I was cut off by Alisha falling into my lap and started throwing up black. Jack bent down next to me and took some of the thick liquid into his hand. Jack held the liquid to his strong nose and took a small sniff, which was then followed by him pulling his head back in disgust. " Corruption. Go find Slender. " Jack said as he took Alisha in his arms and raced inside at a great speed. I followed as Jeff went to go find Slender.

Jack rushed Alisha into the kitchen and laid her on the island. I let blue envelope my hands and I pressed them everywhere I could, but nothing was slowing down the black ooze spilling from her mouth. I gave up and watched in horror as little white fragments came out with the black ooze. I opened Alisha's mouth and that pieces of her teeth were breaking off. I jolted back when Alisha started letting out distorted screams and Eclipse whimpered.

A few minutes went by and Jeff came back with everyone else including Ms.P. I stepped aside and Slender took over. I watched as Slender pulled a small case from his suit pocket. The tall being opened the small case and pulled out one of four needles containing yellow liquid. Slender was careful as he injected Alisha with the mystery liquid. A few moments went by and Alisha seemingly drifted into dead like state. 

" What the hell did you do to her?! " Yvanna demanded an answer from the tall being. " I only tranquilized her. And gave her a compound that should stop the corruption from ever coming back. " Jack and I evaluated her body and I found that Alisha had deep black marks on her legs, they're stretch marks. " Her teeth are pointed. " Jack said flatly as he took his fingers from her mouth and wiped them on a rag that was lying on the counter. " Do you just carry that stuff around with you? " I asked in a confused state. " I always carry some on me because Jeffery seems to come home with small doses of corruption. " Slender panned his head over in Jeff's direction, but the black haired man didn't pay any mind to the faceless man. 

" Sir, do you think it's safe for her to stay here with them? " Masky asked. Slenderman turned to face his proxy. " I think that she should be fine for now. " " And if she gets worse? " Hoodie asked. " If she loses her humanity completely then we enforce Proxy law twelve and kill her. " Slenderman stated as he crossed his arms. " If you so much as touch her, I'll fucking kill you you blank fuck! " Jeff spat harshly. " Jeff, if she becomes a corrupted we'll have no choice. " Slender stated sternly.

I peered out the back door from the kitchen, it's almost dark out. I turned back to Slender and gave him a begging look. " Clean her up and keep watch over her and she should be fine. " Slenderman said and then he turned to Jack. " Jack, I want you to stay here and help with Alisha. " Slenderman ordered and Jack nodded. " We'll be back tomorrow to see how you all are doing. " Slenderman stated before teleporting away. " See ya! " Ben said before driving off. Hoodie and Masky waved as they exited through the back and Jeff was hesitant to leave, but eventually did after I reassured him a couple times that she'd be okay.

I'll go get her cleaned up.

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