Chapter 21

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- Brookes POV -

I opened my eyes slowly and observed my surroundings. The car was upside down and my seat belt gave out and I was on the roof of the car. I felt blood soak my shirt and felt it coming from my neck, I put my hand to my lower neck and felt a huge piece of glass poking out the side and on my collar bone. I laid in a pile of broken glass from the windshield. I looked out what remained of the windshield and saw Ben fighting the corrupted. I turned my attention to Carisma, Alisha, and Yvanna in the back seat. The left passenger door was gone, Carisma was sitting on the ground breathing quickly. " Carisma..? " Carisma's eyes moved, but her body didn't. Carisma sat up and let out a painful scream. Her left fore arm was smashed, there was no saving it. My heart sank when I looked at Yvanna's motionless body. A pool of blood under her head, staining some of the snow. I went to crawl towards her, but excruciating pain shot through my leg. I screamed and looked to my leg. It was obviously broken. I held my breath and dragged myself along the glass covered ground to get to Carisma and Yvanna. It dawned on me that Alisha was nowhere to be found.

I got close enough to Yvanna and put my hand on her limp body. I pushed on her, but she didn't move. I dragged myself a little closer and put my fingers to her neck. Her pulse was so faint that I almost missed it.

Are you girls okay?!

Max asked concerned. " No, Carisma's arm is smashed, my leg is broke, and Yvanna is bleeding to death. " my voice was shaky.

What about Alisha?

Max asked confused. " I have no idea where she is. " I quivered.

I'm going to go get the others.

Max's presence left me moments later. Ben continued to fight the corrupted. I put hand on Yvanna's face and shut my eyes, hoping for a miracle. When I opened my eyes, I saw a bright blue light coming out of my hand and onto Yvanna's face. I pulled my hand away quickly, I was shaking violently from panic. Why can't things be normal?!

- Time Skip -

Just as I was about to lose all hope, the others came running out of the woods along with Max and Alisha. Hoodie and Masky took to taking down the corrupted and Jeff, Toby, Max, and Alisha helped us.

Max pulled me out of the side window and I screamed out of pain. Toby pulled Yvanna out of the car and held her on his lap, and Jeff and Alisha helped Carisma get her arm out. As I listed to Carisma's cries, the corrupted fell to the ground lifeless.

Jeff picked Carisma up, Toby pick Yvanna up, and Max carried me.

As we were sprinting through the woods, I starred up at the moving tree tops and remembered when my life was normal. Carisma passed out from the pain.

We were rushed into the mansion and into a room the had multiple beds and counters, like a makeshift clinic.

Max set me onto a bed and I watched as a man in a lab coat worked on patching the gash on Yvanna's head. A breathing machine was wheeled in from the hallway and I watch in horror as Yvanna was resuscitated and hooked up to the machine. Carisma laid in the bed next to me, passed out and bleeding. Once Yvanna was stabilized, the man in the lab coat went to working on Carisma. " IT WOULD REALLY HELP IF JACK WERE HERE! " Hoodie spat viciously. I watched as Jeff held Carisma down and the man in the lab coat amputate the mangled remains of her arm. Carisma awoke and screamed out of pain. My eye caught someone standing in the door way and I looked to see who it was.

Sally stood in the door way, teddy bear in hand, watching Carisma get her arm amputated. Masky took Sally out of the room. I heard Carisma's arm hit the ground and I shifted my gaze back to Carisma's limp figure. Hoodie bandaged Carisma's arm and the man in the lab coat turned around and came to me. He leaned over me and my heart sunk. He had on a doctors mask that had a wide toothed smile drawn on and beady red eyes stared me down. Masky came back into the room and the doctor instructed both Jeff and Masky to hold me down. The doctor cut my shirt to get to my collar bone and pulled the shard of glass out of my neck, I screamed in pain as both blood and tears poured out. He stitched the gash and rapped gauze and bandages around my neck and collar bone. I let out shaky breaths, Jeff's and Masky's grip on me became tighter as the doctor moved down to my leg. He grabbed my leg and pulled. I let out the loudest screams I could and begged for him to stop. He aligned my bones again, but the pain was too much and I blacked out.

- Time Skip -

I woke up to the doctor snapping his fingers in front of my face. " Good, you're awake. " he said walking away. " How long was I out...? " My vision was blurry, but focused on the light. My whole body hurt, I looked down and saw a pasty white cast on my leg. " You were out for two days. " the doctor stated. Shifting my gaze, I looked at Yvanna who was still limp. " Coma. She should wake up in a couple days. If she doesn't then we'll know if there's greater head trauma. " the doctor caught me starring. I looked to Carisma who had a metal arm replacing the missing part of her arm. " We had to cauterize her wound. I also designed that prosthetic for her. " he stated. My eyes felt heavy, but I tried to stay awake. " Rest. " the doctor told me. I didn't hesitate in falling back asleep.

- Yvanna's POV -

It was so dark. I could hear everyone, but I couldn't respond or move. I was stuck.

In all of the darkness, I saw a pale man in a black cloak and black hat walking towards me. He didn't scare me, I was intrigued. The man stopped in front of me and looked into my eyes. Flashbacks of my life filled my mind. They suddenly ended with the car accident. " Now Yvanna, should I let you live or should I let you accept your untimely death? " his voice was deep and soothing. " I'll think about it. " with that the man disappeared and I begged for him to come back.

I was left in the darkness all by myself.

Pretty As A Proxy (Creepypasta x OCs)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora