Chapter 15

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- Brooke's POV -

I sat down on the couch next to Alisha and Carisma as I watched Ben and Jeff race each other on Mario kart.

" BEAT YOU AGAIN SMILEY! " Ben cheered throwing his arms up in the air, Jeff growled in anger. I snickered at Ben and Jeff glared daggers back at me. " We interrupt your program for a missing child. " the news was cut on and a picture of a young girl popped up onto the screen. I felt my heart drop as I read the name bellow the picture. " Nina Christensen, age fourteen, height 5'2. Last seen on Oak Trail Avenue. " the news reporter read off a paper on his desk. I could feel a mixture of emotions boil inside me. " B, you okay? " Ben turned to me. " No. That's my fucking little sister. " I spat viciously. " She doesn't live with me, but I'd know her when I see her. " I clenched my fists into a ball and my knuckles turned white. " When I find the sick bastard that took her, I'M GOING TO RIP HIS HEART OUT OF HIS CHEST AND EAT IT! " I roared in rage as Jack put a gloved hand on my shoulder. I calmed myself a little. I gritted my teeth, Jack pulled his hand away from my shoulder and I stood up. " I'm going out. " I pulled my black hood over my head and stormed over to the front door. " Brooke wa - " Yvanna's voice was cut off as I slammed the front door and sprinted off into the woods.

As I ran, my hood fell off and cool fall air swept through my long hair.

I reached the edge of the woods and the street they mentioned on the news.

Oak Trail Avenue.

I furrowed my brow in anger as I remembered the news reporters words. " Nina Christensen, age fourteen, height 5'2. Last seen on Oak Trail Avenue. those words rang in my head and I clenched my jaw in anger. I patted my jean pocket for my phone, but felt nothing. " Shit. " I muttered under my breath as I looked up to the sky. The sun was almost done setting and darkness would soon roll over this town. My anger has never been this bad and nothing could stop it. It felt like an addiction that couldn't be filled.

- Time Skip -

The sun had set and darkness now engulfed everything, allowing me to move freely.

I emerged from the woods and crept through the shadows, anything and anyone was going to be my target for murder tonight. I glared at the ground, but my attention was drawn to distant footsteps. I smiled to myself and remained in the shadows, listening. As they grew closer I noticed that they didn't sound like any footsteps, they sounded like heavy boots. I continued to stay hidden as I listened. The boots made it to where I was standing and stopped. I didn't move. Through the shadows, I saw the man turn his head to me. I stayed still as he turned his whole body to face me. Still staying still, I stared back. The man then lunged at me. I dodged him an pulled out both of my claw knives, I caught a glimpse of myself in a store window, my blue eyes were wider than a full moon and I laughed at the sight. The man lunged at me again, this time pulling out a hand gun. When I could fully see him, he had on heavy black boots, a black bullet proof vest, a black helmet with goggles, and black gloves. It was an MTF uniform of sorts.

What the hell do they want with you?!

I ignored Max. And the MTF officer aimed his gun at me and fired, I barely evaded the bullets as I dove back into the shadows for cover. " MAX! " I screamed out. Max appeared in front of me and went after the man. Max was about to attack the man, but before he could he was thrown back by something. Max let out a cry of pain as he dispersed into a cloud of black smoke. I started to laugh like a maniac as I lunged at the uniformed man. I was about to land on the man before something caught me. I felt cold metal around my neck and it dawned on me that I was in a cuff. I scratched and clawed at the metal cuff on my neck as more MTF came out of a big black van. I growled and screeched like an animal being tortured. In a way, I was. My hands were pulled back forcefully and cuffed as well, but I still continued to thrash and jerk around. A man wearing a suit got out of the van and walked up to me. " Hello darling. " the man taunted. I spat at him and growled. He just laughed at me as he stuck a needle into my neck.

As my eyes got heavier and my body went numb, I was being carried to the back of the black van. On the doors, in big white letters, it said " S.C.P. Foundation. " and then everything went black.

- Time Skip -

I woke up feeling cold and numb. Opening my eyes to a white ceiling, I almost smiled thinking it was my bedroom before hearing the rattle of chains. I sat up and looked down at myself, I was no longer in my black hoodie and jeans, I was wearing a long, white, hospital gown and there was a bandage on my left wrist. I lifted my head to look at the far side of the room. White walls, white tile and a sealed metal door with a small window that had the number painted twenty two painted on it.

I sat up and nearly fell over. I'm so dizzy. I looked over to where the sound of chains had come from and saw another girl in a white gown curled up in a ball. I stood up and leaned on the wall for support. I stumbled over to the girl and got to my knees to see her. " Hello? " I muttered through dry lips. She stayed silent. I moved her hair to see her face and nearly screamed when I saw her face. It was Nina.

Nina looked up at me and muttered incoherent words. I gave her a questioning look. " Help me... " Nina muttered sitting up, but she still kept her head down. I went to lift Nina's head, but she swiped my hand away and slowly lifted her head herself. Through all her hair, I saw glassy, tired, blue eyes and they pierced through me. Nina continued to stare at me, so I took the opportunity to move her short, thick, brown hair aside. Nina's eyes fell to the floor as I uncovered a huge gash across her left cheek, it was obviously untreated and swollen. As I went to touch it the metal door was opened and two men wearing white lab coats walked in. I shifted my gaze to the men and growled. " Which one? " one of the men asked. Behind the two men there were several MTF guards. Nina curled back up into a ball. " Brooke. I have to ask her some questions. " the other man replied. Two guards came in and restrained me. I was weak, but still tried to fight back, it made no difference though.

I was carried down a long white corridor with many other metal doors, above them were numbers, decreasing as we got further down the hall way. As I was carried through a lobby, I spotted a big glass case being wheeled in. There was this thing hunched over with grayish skin, long bloodied claws protruding from it's fingers, and wide eyes that could stare any man down. " Lookssss like there'ssss a new one. " the thing gestured to me and all I could do was stare as the creature began to cackle.

I was brought into another white room, but this one was smaller. I was sat in a cold, metal chair, my feet, hands, and neck were cuffed. One of the men took a seat across from me and set a small recorder down on the table.

" Hello Brooke, I'm Dr.Neal and I would like to ask you a few questions regarding the Slenderman. " he spoke smoothly. At the mention of Slenderman, I remembered the others back at the mansion. Will they help me? Am I stuck here? Questions circulated my mind. I was snapped back to reality by Dr.Neal snapping his fingers. I growled and noticed a mirror behind him on the wall. " So, Brooke, what do you know about the Slenderman? " Dr.Neal question me. " Go to hell. " I spat harshly. " Tsk, tsk, tsk. We can do this the hard way or the easy way. " before I could react, a volt of electricity ripped through my body as I let out cries of pain. " MAX! " I screeched for help but Max was unresponsive.

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