Chapter 36

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- Brooke's POV -

As we walked to the store, I looked around at my surroundings and the people around me. I kept my head down as to not be recognized by anyone passing by. I did catch the attention of a little girl that looked a tad bit like Sally and I smiled. I miss her adorable smile and big emerald eyes. Even if she was a bit annoying. 

We made it to the grocery store and my dad grabbed a cart as we either followed him or roamed the other isles. My dad grabbed some snacks and a couple bottles of soda and green tea for the five of us. We got everything we wanted and headed over to the checkout. There, a boy recognized Nina and ran up to her. Judging from the way they spoke to each other, they went to the same school. " So, how have you been? Are you okay? " the young boy bombarded my little sister with questions and Nina didn't know exactly how to answer them so she just ducked out of the conversation completely. " Hey I got to go, see you at school. " Nina said her goodbyes and followed the rest of us out of the store hastily.

We all walked and made casual conversation with each other, but our conversation was soon interrupted by people screaming, car horns blaring, and people running in the opposite direction we were walking. My dad caught a man's arm. " What's going on? " my dad asked seriously. " TH - THERE'S THIS THING ATTACKING PEOPLE! " the man yanked his arm out of my dad's hold and continued to sprint away. We all exchanged glances and walked up ahead to see what exactly was causing all the commotion.

- Carisma's POV -

We rounded the corner of a large building and spotted a large, severely pissed off corrupted. It picked up a car and threw it with no effort, we were nearly decapitated by the flying car. The vehicle flew past us and crashed into a near by building. More people erupted into screams and more people spilled out of buildings trying to flee the chaos. Brooke ripped her backpack off and pulled out her twin claw knives, handed Alisha her dagger, and tossed me my gun. I smiled to myself and cocked the gun. Yvanna was out of luck though, she's without her bat. Brooke's dad dropped the groceries and Nina took cover. I took aim at the huge beast and shot. The bullet didn't seem to do much, because it didn't even grab the things attention for longer than five seconds.

I lost my patience and let out every bullet I had. This grabbed the corrupted's attention and it charged at me. I dodged the corrupted's incoming attack and felt my pocket for ammo, but all I felt was air. I held onto the gun and let my hand glow scarlet red. At this point some people were recording and others were frozen in fear. As the red glow intensified, I charged at the corrupted and threw a strong punch that sent the beast falling back and growling. I looked over to where Brooke's dad was and noticed him staring at the ground. Brooke's dad caught the corrupted's attention and it ran towards him, maw gaping. Brooke's dad didn't move though, his mouth contorted into a sly smirk and he threw a red fist at the beast, just as I had done. The corrupted hit a power line and broke it. It took notice of Alisha at this point and threw itself at her. Alisha swiped at the corrupted with her dagger and left a rather large gash on its face. The corrupted let out distorted cries of pain, but it only enraged the beast more. The corrupted seemingly copied Alisha and swiped at her with it's freakishly long claws. Alisha dodged both the first two attempts the beast made, but Alisha was too slow to doge the third. A thick cut in the side of her neck made itself apparent and Alisha leaned against the side of a building and slid down as she held the gushing wound on her neck. Her blood quickly went from crimson red to black and Alisha let out distorted cries of pain. She's slowly being corrupted. Brooke's dad and I charged at the hellish beast, I threw four strong punches and the corrupted landed flat on it's back. When it attempted to push itself up, Brooke's dad kept punching it down with a red fist. The corrupted scrambled out his hold and stood before Yvanna's still figure.

Yvanna held her hand out and muttered under her breath, all while her eyes were closed and the corrupted was charging towards her. Yvanna opened her eyes abruptly and the beast stopped mid charge. Yvanna lifted her arm further into the air and the corrupted was lifted. Yvanna's demon side is making itself present and its terrifying.

Yvanna's arm stopped mid air as did the corrupted. She wasted no time in bring her arm back down swiftly and abruptly. The corrupted hit the pavement with a sickening crunch and Yvanna continued to move the corrupted up and down, having it repeatedly hit the pavement. Yvanna resembled that of a marionette as the corrupted hit the pavement one last time. Yvanna held it there, pinning it. I took this time to jump onto the corrupted's chest and plunge my red hand deep into it's chest cavity and grab it's still beating heart. As I held the black heart in my hand, the beast squirmed and whimpered. I crushed it's heart my my glowing red, metal hand. The beast fell limp and Yvanna let her hold go.

I shifted my gaze to Brooke, who was working on stopping the corruption from taking over Alisha. We all ran over to where Brooke and Alisha were and stared down as Alisha let out distorted cries of agony. It wasn't long before I could hear police sirens and see flashing lights in the distant. " Hey we got to get moving NOW. " I stated as I continued to stare at the growing police cars. Brooke's dad carried Alisha as we dove into the woods for cover. As we sprinted through the woods, Brooke kept a close eye on Alisha, who's cries got louder and louder by the second. The sirens grew distant and I focused on running.

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